Relay module gives us the possibility to protect our Raspberry Pi and to interact with a device that needs a power source higher than 5v, in this example we will see how to use the Relay module with Raspberry Pi.
RELAY | Raspberry Pi |
- | GND pin |
+ | +5v pin |
Signal | GPIO 21 |
You can achive it with connecting it to your pc trought the Micro USB Port of the raspberry pi
Using putty if you're on windows, Ssh if you're on a linux based os Follow the following instruction if you dont know how to connect to raspberry pi Connect to Raspberry Pi using Putty
Assuming you're connected with... copy and past this command If you're using Raspberry zero
curl -O
If you're using Raspberry 3 b
curl -O
chmod +x relay
To quit or stop the program click on Ctrl+C