______ __ __ __
/ ____// / / /_ ___ ____ _____ / /_
/ /_ / / ______ / __ \ / _ \ / __ \ / ___// __ \
/ __/ / /___ /_____/ / /_/ // __// / / // /__ / / / /
/_/ /_____/ /_____/ \___//_/ /_/ \___//_/ /_/
This is a benchmark for evaluating well-known traditional, personalized and domain generalization federated learning methods. This benchmark straightforward and easy to extend.
FedAvg -- Communication-Efficient Learning of Deep Networks from Decentralized Data (AISTATS'17)
FedAvgM -- Measuring the Effects of Non-Identical Data Distribution for Federated Visual Classification (ArXiv'19)
FedProx -- Federated Optimization in Heterogeneous Networks (MLSys'20)
SCAFFOLD -- SCAFFOLD: Stochastic Controlled Averaging for Federated Learning (ICML'20)
MOON -- Model-Contrastive Federated Learning (CVPR'21)
FedDyn -- Federated Learning Based on Dynamic Regularization (ICLR'21)
FedLC -- Federated Learning with Label Distribution Skew via Logits Calibration (ICML'22)
FedGen -- Data-Free Knowledge Distillation for Heterogeneous Federated Learning (ICML'21)
CCVR -- No Fear of Heterogeneity: Classifier Calibration for Federated Learning with Non-IID Data (NIPS'21)
FedOpt -- Adaptive Federated Optimization (ICLR'21)
pFedSim (My Work⭐) -- pFedSim: Similarity-Aware Model Aggregation Towards Personalized Federated Learning (ArXiv'23)
Local-Only -- Local training only (without communication).
FedMD -- FedMD: Heterogenous Federated Learning via Model Distillation (NIPS'19)
APFL -- Adaptive Personalized Federated Learning (ArXiv'20)
LG-FedAvg -- Think Locally, Act Globally: Federated Learning with Local and Global Representations (ArXiv'20)
FedBN -- FedBN: Federated Learning On Non-IID Features Via Local Batch Normalization (ICLR'21)
FedPer -- Federated Learning with Personalization Layers (AISTATS'20)
FedRep -- Exploiting Shared Representations for Personalized Federated Learning (ICML'21)
Per-FedAvg -- Personalized Federated Learning with Theoretical Guarantees: A Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning Approach (NIPS'20)
pFedMe -- Personalized Federated Learning with Moreau Envelopes (NIPS'20)
Ditto -- Ditto: Fair and Robust Federated Learning Through Personalization (ICML'21)
pFedHN -- Personalized Federated Learning using Hypernetworks (ICML'21)
pFedLA -- Layer-Wised Model Aggregation for Personalized Federated Learning (CVPR'22)
CFL -- Clustered Federated Learning: Model-Agnostic Distributed Multi-Task Optimization under Privacy Constraints (ArXiv'19)
FedFomo -- Personalized Federated Learning with First Order Model Optimization (ICLR'21)
FedBabu -- FedBabu: Towards Enhanced Representation for Federated Image Classification (ICLR'22)
FedAP -- Personalized Federated Learning with Adaptive Batchnorm for Healthcare (IEEE'22)
kNN-Per -- Personalized Federated Learning through Local Memorization (ICML'22)
MetaFed -- MetaFed: Federated Learning among Federations with Cyclic Knowledge Distillation for Personalized Healthcare (IJCAI'22)
FedSR -- FedSR: A Simple and Effective Domain Generalization Method for Federated Learning (NIPS'22)
ADCOL -- Adversarial Collaborative Learning on Non-IID Features (ICML'23)
FedIIR -- Out-of-Distribution Generalization of Federated Learning via Implicit Invariant Relationships (ICML'23)
pip install -r requirements.txt
conda env create -f environment.yml
At China mainland
poetry install
Not at China mainland
sed -i "10,14d" pyproject.toml && poetry lock --no-update && poetry install
At China mainland
docker build -t fl-bench .
Not at China mainland
docker build \
-t fl-bench \
--build-arg IMAGE_SOURCE=karhou/ubuntu:basic \
--build-arg CHINA_MAINLAND=false \
ALL classes of methods are inherited from FedAvgServer
and FedAvgClient
. If you wanna figure out the entire workflow and detail of variable settings, go check src/server/fedavg.py
and src/client/fedavg.py
# partition the CIFAR-10 according to Dir(0.1) for 100 clients
python generate_data.py -d cifar10 -a 0.1 -cn 100
# run FedAvg on CIFAR-10 with default settings.
# Use main.py like python main.py <method> [args ...]
# ❗ Method name should be identical to the `.py` file name in `src/server`.
python main.py fedavg -d cifar10
About methods of generating federated dastaset, go check data/README.md
for full details.
- Run
python -m visdom.server
on terminal. - Run
python main.py <method> --visible 1
- Go check
on your browser.
📢 All generic arguments have their default value. Go check get_fedavg_argparser()
in FL-bench/src/server/fedavg.py
for full details of generic arguments.
You can also write your own .yaml
config file. I offer you a template in config
and recommend you to save your config files there also.
One example: python main.py fedavg -cfg config/template.yaml
About the default values and hyperparameters of advanced FL methods, go check corresponding FL-bench/src/server/<method>.py
for full details.
Argument | Description |
--dataset |
The name of dataset that experiment run on. |
--model |
The model backbone experiment used. |
--seed |
Random seed for running experiment. |
--join_ratio |
Ratio for (client each round) / (client num in total). |
--global_epoch |
Global epoch, also called communication round. |
--local_epoch |
Local epoch for client local training. |
--finetune_epoch |
Epoch for clients fine-tunning their models before test. |
--test_gap |
Interval round of performing test on clients. |
--eval_test |
Non-zero value for performing evaluation on joined clients' testset before and after local training. |
--eval_val |
Non-zero value for performing evaluation on joined clients' valset before and after local training. |
--eval_train |
Non-zero value for performing evaluation on joined clients' trainset before and after local training. |
-op, --optimizer |
Client local optimizer, selected from [sgd, adam] |
--local_lr |
Learning rate for client local training. |
--momentum |
Momentum for client local opitimizer. |
--weight_decay |
Weight decay for client local optimizer. |
--verbose_gap |
Interval round of displaying clients training performance on terminal. |
--batch_size |
Data batch size for client local training. |
--use_cuda |
Non-zero value indicates that tensors are in gpu. |
--visible |
Non-zero value for using Visdom to monitor algorithm performance on localhost:8097 . |
--save_log |
Non-zero value for saving algorithm running log in out/<method> . |
--straggler_ratio |
The ratio of stragglers (set in [0, 1] ). Stragglers would not perform full-epoch local training as normal clients. Their local epoch would be randomly selected from range [--straggler_min_local_epoch, --local_epoch) . |
--straggler_min_local_epoch |
The minimum value of local epoch for stragglers. |
--external_model_params_file |
The relative file path of external model parameters. Please confirm whether the shape of parameters compatible with the model by yourself. ⚠ This feature is enabled only when unique_model=False , which is pre-defined by each FL method. |
--save_model |
Non-zero value for saving output model(s) parameters in out/<method> .pt`. |
--save_fig |
Non-zero value for saving the accuracy curves showed on Visdom into a .jpeg file at out/<method> . |
--save_metrics |
Non-zero value for saving metrics stats into a .csv file at out/<method> . |
--viz_win_name |
Custom visdom window name (active when setting --visible as a non-zero value). |
--config_file |
Relative file path of custom config .yaml file. |
--check_convergence |
Non-zero value for checking convergence after training. |
This benchmark supports bunch of models that common and integrated in Torchvision:
- ResNet family
- EfficientNet family
- DenseNet family
- MobileNet family
- LeNet5 ...
🤗 You can define your own custom model by filling the CustomModel
class in src/utils/models.py
and use it by specifying --model custom
when running.
This benchmark only supports to solve image classification task for now.
Regular Image Datasets
MNIST (1 x 28 x 28, 10 classes)
CIFAR-10/100 (3 x 32 x 32, 10/100 classes)
EMNIST (1 x 28 x 28, 62 classes)
FashionMNIST (1 x 28 x 28, 10 classes)
FEMNIST (1 x 28 x 28, 62 classes)
CelebA (3 x 218 x 178, 2 classes)
SVHN (3 x 32 x 32, 10 classes)
USPS (1 x 16 x 16, 10 classes)
Tiny-ImageNet-200 (3 x 64 x 64, 200 classes)
CINIC-10 (3 x 32 x 32, 10 classes)
Domain Generalization Image Datasets
- DomainNet (3 x ? x ?, 345 classes)
- Go check
for the full process guideline 🧾.
- Go check
Medical Image Datasets
COVID-19 (3 x 244 x 224, 4 classes)
Organ-S/A/CMNIST (1 x 28 x 28, 11 classes)