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Reference Design to create an IOTile Cloud equivalent server to support Arch Systems' IOTile Devices


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IOTile Cloud by Arch

This is a reference design to implement a solution equivalent to Arch System's

It is a clone of the real source code, but without any Arch sensitive information.

The server can be run on any computer that supports Docker, but some features do have dependencies on AWS S3. A lot of the code used to deploy to AWS is included, but not very well documented, and may require a lot of changes to adapt to a given AWS account.

Project is built with Python v3.8+ using the Django Web Framework (v3.2+)

IOTile Cloud Database Models

IOTile Cloud was originally build by Arch Systems to support the IOTile Platform (See IOTile CoreTools). It is a fairly generic IOT solution, but very influenced by the requirements of the IOTile Platform. And a portion of the feature set is specific to suppoprt IOTile Devices (or anything using the IOTile CoreTools python package).

  • The Org model represent Companies or entities within a company
  • The Account model represents users
  • Users can be members of one or more organization via the OrgMembership model.
  • Users can be invited to a new Organization with an Invitation object (and flow).
  • The Device model represents IOTile PODs or any other IOT device uploading data to the server.
  • Devices are claimed under a Project which is owned by an Organization. A claimed device is a device that is owned by a given organization
  • Projects are nothing more than ways to group together a number of devices that are used to measure similar metrics. Think of a Project as the spreadsheet you would create if you had number of devices that send the same sensor data (e.g. Temperature and Pressure).
  • Devices upload data in the form of StreamData or StreamEventData. The difference is that StreamData represents simple timeseries data (id, timestamp, value) while StreamEventData represent complex data objects In an AWS implementation, each StreamEventData can be associated with an S3 file (a complex data file or image for example) and also contains a JsonField to represent summary data associated to the complex file in S3. The S3 file is represented with the S3File model.
  • StreamData (as StreamEventData) is represented with a single table, and is therefore associated to a StreamId which acts as a header with meta data required to identify and interpret the data. A StreamId is identified with a ID or Slug (More about Slugs below) that is built off 1) A Project slug, 2) A Device slug and 3) A Streamvariable slug. Stream IDs look like s--0000-0001--0000-0000-0000-0002--5001 as an example which represent water meter data (5001) for device 0x0002 claimed by project 0x0001.
  • A Device is defined by its DeviceTemplate which represents the physical characteristics of the IOT device, and a SensorGraph which is an IOTile concept and represents the application configured. The SensorGraph for example, determines the type of StreamVariable (known as streams within the IOTile Platform) that the given device is capable of producing. For more on sensor graphs, see Introduction to Sensor Graphs.
  • DeviceTemplates that represent IOTile Devices have one or many Components which represent the physical HW tiles which are the building blocks of an IOTile Device.
  • A slug (word which comes from Blog servers and represents "the part of a URL that identifies a particular page on a website in an easy-to-read form") is used by Projects, Devices, StreamId to represent a globally unique ID (we call them slugs as the format is URL friendly). These slugs have a letter to represent the type of object, followed with a hex representation of the database's primary ID, broken in blocks of four hex numbers (for readibility). Some assume 32bits while others represent 64bits:
    • A Project is represented with the letter p and a 32bit hex number: p--00000-0001
    • A Device is represented with the letter d and a 64bit hex number: d--0000-0000-0000-0001. For Arch IOTile Devices, this ID also acts as the device's Serial Number (S/N). Note that we only use 48 out of the 64 bits, as the last 16 bits are used to represent DataBlocks which are models that represent archived device data (all the stream data and stream event data associated with a device for a time range).
    • A Variable is represeted with a v, the 32bit hex number for the project the variable is associated with, and a 16bit hex number representing the type of data (the variable). For example, 5001 is by POD-1G devices to represent water volume (on a water meter). To make the variable globally unique, it needs to be associated to a project. This is because while Arch may use 5001 for example, to represent water volume, the variable can represent anything. The 16bits that represent a variable are defined in the device's sensor graph, so it can represent whatever the sensor Graph author chooses. The only requirement is that whatever the variable represents, it has to be consistent within all devices claimed within a project. Therefore, to make these variables globally unique, they require both the project and the 16bit hex: v--0000-0001--5001 represents variable 5001 within project 1.
    • As said above, a stream is represented with the required 64bit Device ID and the 16bit variable ID, as well as the 32bit Project ID to allow us to differenciate a stream from a device that was under one project and then is moved to another project. Because the same variable IDs could represent different things, we need to add the Project to give them context. The Stream slug is then represented like s--0000-0001--0000-0000-0000-0002--5001 which represents variable 5001 (water volume for POD-1Gs) for Device 2 when claimed under Project 1.
  • A number of generic models are used to add meta data to the different objects:
    • GenericProperties represent name/value pairs that can be associated with any Device or Project by setting their target to either the device or project slugs.
    • ConfigAttributes are more complex Json objects that can also be associated with Device or Project, as well as an Org or an Account (User). These records can be used to store any generic configuration that an application may need to store general configuration. ConfigAttributes follow a priority scheme, so for example, when asking a device for a given configuration, if not defined at the device level, the API will check the device's project, then the Org, and finally the User, until the configuration is found. Different from GenericProperties which take a string as name, ConfigAttributes use a pre-defined name which is based on the ConfigAttributeName model. ConfigAttributeName should follow a :foo:bar naming scheme (only the first : is required).
    • StreamNotes represent text that is associated to a StreamId, Device or Project and can be used to store logs or user comments.
    • A DeviceLocation can be used to store the GPS coordicates of a Device at a given time.
    • A DeviceKey can be used to store secret keys (e.g. SSH or decryption tokens) associated with a given device.
  • A StreamAlias can be used to dynamically build a virtual stream with sections from different physical streams. It is constructed based on a list of StreamAliasTap records which basically represent is a timestamped pointer to a physical stream. A list of StreamAliasTaps can be used to construct a virtual stream from different data streams.
  • A Fleet is a group of devices, and it is used to help with any over-the-air (OTA) flow. The OTA is represented with:
    • A DeploymentRequest is used to initiate a request to update a given Fleet with a given DeviceScript whichcan represent the set of commands the device needs to run to update itself
    • A DeploymentAction is created once the edge device (or computer) attempts to send the OTA instructions to the device. Within the IOTile platform, a record posted from a phone or gateway indicating that that device attempted to update an IOTile device with a DeviceScript based on a DeploymentRequest. This is not definitive, that confirmation will come from a value posted by the device’s sensor graph. i.e. the actual confirmation comes in the form of a StreamData record using either a 5c08 (OS_TAG_VERSION) or 5c09 (APP_TAG_VERSION) stream variables.
    • Note that the OTA flow was built and it is intended to be used with an IOTile device and ideally using IOTile coretools
  • When uploading IOTile Device data, the device sensor graph will upload data using a Streamer. Streamer data is uploaded using StreamerReports. See Understanding IOTile Reports for more on streamer reports.
  • Note that support for StreamReports requires an AWS S3 bucket, as all uploaded files get stored on S3 before a worker is scheduled to parse the data and write it to the StreamData or StreamEventData tables.
  • DataBlocks models are used to represent data archives. This is particular relevant for POD-1M devices, which are used to as data loggers for shipping packages. In this case, the data associated with a Device represents a trip, but in order to reuse the same device for a second trip, the data from the first trip is archived. This is done by basically updating all the data to a new stream ID where the Device 64bit ID actually represents a DataBlock. This is only 48bits of the 64bits are used to represent the actual device. the last 16bits are used to represent the archives for the given device, so if d--0000-0000-0000-0001 represents Device 1, b--0001-0000-0000-0001 represents archive 1 for device 1. When archiving this data, we change the stream slug from s--0000-0001--0000-0000-0000-0002--5001 to s--0000-0001--0001-0000-0000-0002--5001.
  • UserReport and GeneratedUserReport are models that help generate custom reports. A generated report is one that is generated as a worker task, and then uploaded to S3 as a stand alone report. These reports can be in the form of stand-alone HTML files (e.g. using bokeh), CSV files or XLSX files. The UserReport acts as a template, which allows the UI to present the options to the user. When a user clicks on the generation button, a GeneratedUserReport is created with status='GS' ("Scheduled...") and a task is scheduled to process this report. When the task is processed, the GeneratedUserReport record is found and used to determine which custom generator to use. The generator is then called to generate the report, upload it to S3, and set the report status='G1' ("Report Generation Completed"). Available generators can be found on server/apps/report/generator. Each generator has a with a custom Django Form to collect appropiate options from the user during the generation request (which are then stored as Json on UserReport.config), and a with a class that derives from ReportGenerator, and defines a generate_user_report method, and a with definitions to define any required configuration flow. New genrators can be added by just creating new generator packages, and updating the UserReport.FORMAT_CHOICES constant in the file.

Server Architecture

The IOTile Cloud is a Django server that uses the following services:

  • database1 is a Postgres database and is used to store all the basic User, Org, Project, Device, Stream and associated meta data.
  • database2 is a second Postgres database (can also be deployed to AWS Redshift) specialized to store all the actual stream data and stream event data. Depending on the number of devices, this is the database that will need to be optimized to handle a large number of writes as a lot of devices could stream data at the same time.
  • A redis database is used to cache data when possible to minimize SQL database queries
  • An elastic search database is used to power the search enginer, and allow users to easily find Device, Projects, Properties and other meta data.
  • This project does not use Celery to implement async worker tasks (long story) and instead implements its own solution based on the Action class (see server/apps/sqsworker). The worker queue is implemented with AWS SQS (and using elasticmq when running locally)
    • Similar to a celery worker, the worker uses the same Django project, but runs as a management function:
      • python sqs-loop-worker (see supervisord.conf)
    • All worker tasks are implemented on /server/apps/*/worker/ packages and using classes that derive from the Action class and implement a schedule class method and a execute method. The schedule method will post an SQS message with a json object with a Dict representing the required arguments for the given worker task. When the SQS message is processed by the worker, it will call the execute method and pass the Dict that was sent by the execute method.
  • When enabled and deployed to AWS, a DynamoDB database is used to log worker tasks. (USE_DYNAMODB_WORKERLOG_DB=True)

User features

  • The server supports social login which is impleneted with django-allauth
  • Most models have a Rest API implemented with django-rest-framework
  • The server UI is implemented using a Bootstrap based template (see webapp/).
  • Improved user interface for forms using Django Crispy Forms
  • Search capabilities with Django Elasticserach DSL
  • Email notifications using AWS SES and Django SES

Developer Features

Most of the code required to deploy via AWS was left but more as a reference.

  • Custom worker scheme using AWS SQS as message queue
    • Uses s12v/elasticmq when running locally
  • uses several AWS services, so the AWS deployment instructions assume you will do to:
    • AWS Elasticsearch to implement the elastic search engine
    • AWS Elasricache to implement Redis
    • AWS RDS to implement database1
    • AWS Redshift to implement database2
    • AWS S3 for storing StreameReports and S3File files used by StreamEventData (as well as S3Image files used for Org logos)
    • Uses DynamoDB for logging
      • Uses peopleperhour/dynamodb when running locally
  • It is important to note that the docker-compose based server may requires AWS S3 for some feature (e.g. Uploading StreamerReports, uploading StreamEventData with S3File content or uploading Org logos)
    • But data can still be uploaded via the APIs for example, so most of the key functionality should be avaiable without AWS.
  • Use the python_iotile_cloud Python SDK to help write python scripts to interact with the Server's Rest API.

AWS Deployment

As said above, this is a reference design more than a plug and play solution, especially when it comes to the deployment instructions. We are unable to ensure that the instructions will work or be kept upto date, and we are unable to help much in terms of issues with the deployment instructions (so yes, you are on your own if you want to try to use them).

See docs/ for a partial set of instructions

Development Instructions

While it is possible to run the server with the host's native Python environment, it is highly recommended to use Docker for testing and development. A set of Python Invoke tasks are defined to make this process easy. Both running tests or running a local server usually require a single inv command.


You must have the following installed on your computer

  • Python 3.8 or greater
  • Docker and Docker Compose

For MacOS, see

Python Environment

To set up a development environment quickly, first install Python 3. It comes with virtualenv built-in. So create a virtual env by:

python3 -m venv  ~/.virtualenv/iotile_cloud
.  ~/.virtualenv/iotile_cloud/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

Secret Keys

As per security best practices, secret credentials/keys should never be stored under version control.

Get the proper .local-env, .docker.env and place them under server/config/settings. If you cannot get a copy, just used the sample-*.env files under the same directory, and modify as needed.

For production, all critical secret keys are stored on AWS SSM Parameter Store, making it easy to deploy to AWS without having to store secret keys on local machines. The Django settings file gets all these keys from the Parameter Store, assuming the AWS IAM role has access to such keys.

Static Files

Static files are built different from any traditional Django project. Before tests can be run or a local server can be started, static files have to be built

To build static files, use

inv build-statics


For testing, you must use the config/settings/ settings file:

# Build containers (required when dependencies change)
inv test -a build
# Run full test
inv test -a signoff
# Run a single app test
inv test -a custom -p ./apps/org
# Stop test containers without destroying them
inv test -a stop
# Destroy all containers
inv test -a down

Running Server

To run the local server, you use the run-local task:

# Run server in background
inv run-local -a up
# Stop server, but without destroying databases
inv run-local -a stop
# Kill all containers and destroy databases
inv run-local -a down
# Watch a given container's STDOUT (logs)
inv run-local -a logs-web
inv run-local -a logs-worker
inv run-local -a logs-nginx
# Rebuild images (usually not needed as source files are cross mounted)
# But required for sure if dependencies change
inv run-local -a build


To make migrations and/or migrate

# Make new migrations
inv run-local -a makemigrationss
# Migrate
inv run-local -a migrate

Updating requirements

This projects use pip-tools to manage requirements. Lists of required packages for each environment are located in *.in files, and complete pinned *.txt files are compiled from them with pip-compile command:

cd server 
pip-compile requirements/
pip-compile requirements/

To update dependency (e.g django) run following:

pip-compile --upgrade-package django==3.1 requirements/
pip-compile --upgrade-package django==3.1 requirements/


Reference Design to create an IOTile Cloud equivalent server to support Arch Systems' IOTile Devices





