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This is a ros-driver for the Schunk WSG50-110 Gripper.


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This repository contains Schunk WSG50-110 ROS-Driver.

This is a ros-driver for the Schunk WSG50-110 Gripper

Note that there is also an other ROS driver now:


This project is a result of the LIAA project.



LIAA received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 608604.

Project runtime: 02.09.2013 – 31.08.2017.

ROS-Node Documentation

Special Thanks to Mainauthor Florian Röser Current maintainer Lorenz Halt

this section contains the API of the ROS-Node for the WSG50 Driver.

The ROS node for the WSG50 Gripper makes use of:


Actions includes all actions provided by the ros-driver for the schunk wsg50 gripper.

  • WSG50HomingAction: Provide an homing action.
  • Homing Action: This action has to be run before any other motion command is send.
  1. @goal: bool direction
    • positive direction
    • negative movement direction
  2. @result: int status_code (see possible Status Codes for detailed description)
  3. @feedback
    • float width (in mm)
    • float speed (in mm/s)
    • float force (in newton)
  • WSG50PrePositionFingersAction: Pre-Position fingers with given widht and speed.
  1. @goal params: bool stopOnBlock: defines if the pre-position movement should stop if something is in the way
    • float width (in mm)
    • float speed (in mm/s)
  2. @result: int status_code (see possible Status Codes for detailed description)
  3. @feedback
    • float width (in mm)
    • float speed (in mm/s)
    • float force (in newton)
  • WSG50GraspPartAction
  • WSG50ReleasePartAction

ROS Messages

includes the messages and topics sent by the ROS-Driver

System State Message

Advertized as ROS-topic: /system_state

this message will be published about every 20 milliseconds.

ROS Services

includes the services provided by the ROS-Driver

  • setAcceleration.srv: This sets the acceleration for the gripper motions, which are the movements of the fingers.
  • setSoftLimits.srv: This service will set the soft limits (minus and plus) for the gripper motions
  • clearSoftLimits.srv: Note: Even if the soft limits are cleared, the ros-wrapper will return soft limits in the system-state message, but these soft limits will then be equal to the maximum and minimum width of the finger movements.
  • setForceLimit.srv: The force-limit defines with which maximum force the fingers will try to move, or at which force-threshold the fingers will stop moving.
  • stop.srv: this will stop any motion
  • fastStop.srv: this will stop any motion and put the gripper in a state where it requires the message "Acknowledge Fast Stop" before it can accept any other command!
  • ackFastStop.srv: This will release the fast-stop state so the gripper can accept new commands

Grasping States

Please consider the Schunk documentation for the grasping state graph!

When you are programming the Gripper, then you should be aware of these states, e.g. it is not possible to send the "Grasping" command when the gripper is in the state "No Part Found"!

Command Overview

Most Gripper Commands are already implemented into the WSG50Controller.cpp class, but still may need to be implemented as ROS-Services or ROS-Actions.

Connection Management

Gripper Command Description ROS-Service / Activity
LOOP Send message and loop back this message (issued at startup to test connection)
DISCONNECT announce disconnect -> stops every movement (issued at shutdown of the driver)

Motion Control

Gripper Command Description ROS-Service / Activity
HOMING homing movement, required at connection before sending other motion commands Action: WSG50HomingAction
PREPOSITION FINGERS pre-position fingers moves the fingers to a defined opening width Action: WSG50PrePositionFingersAction
STOP stop all motions Service: stop.srv
FASTSTOP Issue fast-stop (this requires acknowledge command before any other motion command can be issued) Service: fastStop.srv
ACKNOWLEDGE FASTSTOP Acknowledge fast-stop (make other commands possible again) Service: ackFastStop.srv
GRASP PART grasp part by passing normal width and grasping speed Action: WSG50GraspPartAction
RELEASE PART release previously grasped part (to issue this command, the grasping state must be either one of the three: "HOLDING", "PART LOST", "NO PART" Action: WSG50ReleasePartAction

Motion Configuration

Gripper Command Description ROS-Service / Activity
SET ACCELERATION set acceleration Service: setAcceleration.srv
GET ACCELERATION get acceleration (published in systState.msg)
SET FORCE LIMIT set force-limit in newtons Service: setForceLimit.srv
GET FORCE LIMIT get force-limit (published in systState.msg)
SET SOFT LIMITS set soft-limits for plus and minus direction
GET SOFT LIMITS get soft-limits (published in systState.msg)
CLEAR SOFT LIMITS clear soft limits Service: clearSoftLimits.srv
TARE FORCE SENSORS zeroes the connected force sensor used for the force control loop -- (todo)

System State Commands

Getter methods to read the different system states like temperature, force and speed. Most of these values are already published in a single ROS-Message ''systState'' with a defined frequency (by default every 20ms).

Gripper Command Description ROS-Service / Activity
GET SYSTEM STATE get the current system state -- (todo)
GET GRASPING STATE get the current grasping state (published in systState.msg)
GET GRASPING STATISTICS get current grasping statistics for the number of executed grasps -- (todo)
GET OPENING WIDTH get current opening width (published in systState.msg)
GET SPEED get the current finger speed (published in systState.msg)
GET FORCE get the current grasping force (published in systState.msg)
GET TEMPERATURE get the current device temperature -- (todo)

System Configuration

These commands include the general system configuration commands.

Gripper Command Description ROS-Service / Activity
GET SYSTEM INFO get information about the connected device -- (todo)
SET DEVICE TAG set the device tag -- (todo)
GET DEVICE TAG get the device tag -- (todo)
GET SYSTEM LIMITS get the gripper's physical limits for stroke, speed, acceleration and force -- (todo)

Finger Interface

(Source Weiss Robotics:) ''The WSG series of grippers provides a sensor port n each base jaw to which sensor fingers can be connected to. The following commands are used to access and control these fingers.''

Gripper Command Description ROS-Service / Activity
GET FINGER INFORMATION return information about the connected fingers -- (todo)
GET FINGER FLAGS return the state flags for the selected fingers -- (todo)
FINGER POWER CONTROL enables or disables the power supply for the selected finger -- (todo)
GET FINGER DATA return the current finger data for predefined finger types -- (todo)

Status Codes

the returned status-codes are int-values. Below is the short description:

Code Name Description
0 E_SUCCESS No error
1 E_NOT_AVAILABLE Device, service or data is not avialable
2 E_NO_SENSOR No sensor connected
3 E_NOT_INITIALIZED The device is not initialized
4 E_ALREADY_RUNNING Service is already running
5 E_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED The asked feature is not supported
6 E_INCONSISTENT_DATA One or more dependent parameters mismatch
7 E_TIMEOUT Timeout error
8 E_READ_ERROR Error while reading from a device
9 E_WRITE_ERROR Error while writing to a device
10 E_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES No memory available
11 E_CHECKSUM_ERROR Checksum error
12 E_NO_PARAM_EXPECTED No parameters expected
13 E_NOT_ENOUGH_PARAMS Not enough parameters
14 E_CMD_UNKNOWN Unknown command
15 E_CMD_FORMAT_ERROR Comand format error
16 E_ACCESS_DENIED Access denied
17 E_ALREADY_OPEN The interface is already open
18 E_CMD_FAILED Command failed
19 E_CMD_ABORTED Command aborted
20 E_INVALID_HANDLE Invalid handle
21 E_NOT_FOUND Device not found
22 E_NOT_OPEN Device not open
23 E_IO_ERROR I/O error
24 E_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid parameter
25 E_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS Index out of bounds
26 E_CMD_PENDING Command execution needs more time
27 E_OVERRUN Data overrun
28 E_RANGE_ERROR Range error
29 E_AXIS_BLOCKED Axis is blocked
30 E_FILE_EXISTS File already exists

Datatype definition:

  • typedef enum TStat
  • typedef struct SSTATE


This is a ros-driver for the Schunk WSG50-110 Gripper.







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