is a docker image by IPinfo.io that downloads free country asn database in mmdb format.
docker pull ipinfo/ipinfo-db:latest
(optional) - Set you ipinfo token.IPINFO_DATABASES
(optional) - Databases to download, default tocountry_asn
(optional) - Interval of updating database in bash sleep format. If this is not set or is set to 0 (default), image will run once and exit.
docker run -v <dir>:/data \
-e IPINFO_TOKEN=<ipinfo_token> \
-e UPDATE_FREQUENCY=<update_frequency> \
local directory that you want to download the databases to.
There are official IPinfo client libraries available for many languages including PHP, Python, Go, Java, Ruby, and many popular frameworks such as Django, Rails and Laravel. There are also many third party libraries and integrations available for our API.
See https://ipinfo.io/developers/libraries for more details.
Founded in 2013, IPinfo prides itself on being the most reliable, accurate, and in-depth source of IP address data available anywhere. We process terabytes of data to produce our custom IP geolocation, company, carrier, VPN detection, hosted domains, and IP type data sets. Our API handles over 40 billion requests a month for businesses and developers.