This project contains an eCommerce dataset that I will explore using SQL on Google BigQuery. The dataset is based on the Google Analytics public dataset and contains data from an eCommerce website.
- Google Cloud Platform account
- Project on Google Cloud Platform
- Google BigQuery API enabled
- SQL query editor or IDE
The eCommerce dataset is stored in a public Google BigQuery dataset. To access the dataset, follow these steps:
- Log in to your Google Cloud Platform account and create a new project.
- Navigate to the BigQuery console and select your newly created project.
- In the navigation panel, select "Add Data" and then "Search a project".
- Enter the project ID "bigquery-public-data.google_analytics_sample.ga_sessions" and click "Enter".
- Click on the "ga_sessions_" table to open it.
In this project, I will write 08 query in Bigquery base on Google Analytics dataset
Query 01: Calculate total visit, pageview, transaction and revenue for January, February and March 2017 order by month
- SQL code
- Query results
- SQL code
- Query results
- SQL code
- Query results
Query 04: Average number of product pageviews by purchaser type (purchasers vs non-purchasers) in June, July 2017
- SQL code
- Query results
- SQL code
- Query results
- SQL code
- Query results
Query 07: Other products purchased by customers who purchased product "YouTube Men's Vintage Henley" in July 2017. Output should show product name and the quantity was ordered.
- SQL code
- Query results
- SQL code
with get_1month_cohort as (SELECT
CASE WHEN 1 = 1 THEN "201701" END AS month,
COUNT(CASE WHEN hits.eCommerceAction.action_type = "2" AND product.isImpression IS NULL THEN fullVisitorId END) AS
COUNT(CASE WHEN hits.eCommerceAction.action_type = "3" AND product.isImpression IS NULL THEN fullVisitorId END) AS
COUNT(CASE WHEN hits.eCommerceAction.action_type = "6" AND product.isImpression IS NULL THEN fullVisitorId END) AS
FROM `bigquery-public-data.google_analytics_sample.ga_sessions_201701*` ,
UNNEST(hits) as hits,
UNNEST(hits.product) as product),
get_2month_cohort as (SELECT
CASE WHEN 1 = 1 THEN "201702" END AS month,
COUNT(CASE WHEN hits.eCommerceAction.action_type = "2" AND product.isImpression IS NULL THEN fullVisitorId END) AS
COUNT(CASE WHEN hits.eCommerceAction.action_type = "3" AND product.isImpression IS NULL THEN fullVisitorId END) AS
COUNT(CASE WHEN hits.eCommerceAction.action_type = "6" AND product.isImpression IS NULL THEN fullVisitorId END) AS
FROM `bigquery-public-data.google_analytics_sample.ga_sessions_201702*` ,
UNNEST(hits) as hits,
UNNEST(hits.product) as product),
get_3month_cohort as (SELECT
CASE WHEN 1 = 1 THEN "201703" END AS month,
COUNT(CASE WHEN hits.eCommerceAction.action_type = "2" AND product.isImpression IS NULL THEN fullVisitorId END) AS
COUNT(CASE WHEN hits.eCommerceAction.action_type = "3" AND product.isImpression IS NULL THEN fullVisitorId END) AS
COUNT(CASE WHEN hits.eCommerceAction.action_type = "6" AND product.isImpression IS NULL THEN fullVisitorId END) AS
FROM `bigquery-public-data.google_analytics_sample.ga_sessions_201703*` ,
UNNEST(hits) as hits,
UNNEST(hits.product) as product)
ROUND(num_addtocart/num_product_view*100,2) as add_to_cart_rate,
ROUND(num_purchase/num_product_view*100,2) as purchase_rate
(SELECT * FROM get_1month_cohort
SELECT * FROM get_2month_cohort
SELECT * FROM get_3month_cohort)
ORDER BY month;
- Query results
- In conclusion, my exploration of the eCommerce dataset using SQL on Google BigQuery based on the Google Analytics dataset has revealed several interesting insights.
- By exploring eCommerce dataset, I have gained valuable information about total visits, pageview, transactions, bounce rate, and revenue per traffic source,.... which could inform future business decisions.
- To deep dive into the insights and key trends, the next step will visualize the data with some software like Power BI,Tableau,...
- Overall, this project has demonstrated the power of using SQL and big data tools like Google BigQuery to gain insights into large datasets.