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Advanced Tutorial
layout: userdoc title: "Advanced Tutorial" author: AUTHOR date: DATE docid: 4 icon: info-circle doctype: tutorial tags:
- tutorial
description: Recommended for experienced users to explore more features.
- name: Partitioned analysis url: partitioned-analysis-for-multi-gene-alignments
- name: Partitioning with mixed data url: partitioned-analysis-with-mixed-data
- name: Partition scheme selection url: choosing-the-right-partitioning-scheme
- name: Bootstrapping partition model url: ultrafast-bootstrapping-with-partition-model
- name: Constrained tree search url: constrained-tree-search
- name: Tree topology tests url: tree-topology-tests
- name: Testing constrained tree url: testing-constrained-tree
- name: Consensus construction and bootstrap value assignment url: consensus-construction-and-bootstrap-value-assignment
- name: User-defined models url: user-defined-substitution-models
- name: Inferring site-specific rates url: inferring-site-specific-rates
Recommended for experienced users to explore more features.
To get started, please read the Beginner's Tutorial first if not done so yet.
If you used partition model in a publication please cite:
O. Chernomor, A. von Haeseler, and B.Q. Minh (2016) Terrace aware data structure for phylogenomic inference from supermatrices. Syst. Biol., 65:997-1008. https://doi.org/10.1093/sysbio/syw037
In the partition model, you can specify a substitution model for each gene/character set. IQ-TREE will then estimate the model parameters separately for every partition. Moreover, IQ-TREE provides edge-linked or edge-unlinked branch lengths between partitions:
-q partition_file
: all partitions share the same set of branch lengths (like-q
option of RAxML). -
-p partition_file
in version 1.x): like above but allowing each partition to have its own evolution rate. -
-Q partition_file
in version 1.x): each partition has its own set of branch lengths (like combination of-q
options in RAxML) to account for, e.g. heterotachy (Lopez et al., 2002).
is recommended for typical analysis.-q
is unrealistic and-Q
is very parameter-rich. One can also perform all three analyses and compare e.g. the BIC scores to determine the best-fit partition model.
IQ-TREE supports RAxML-style and NEXUS partition input file. The RAxML-style partition file may look like:
DNA, part1 = 1-100
DNA, part2 = 101-384
If your partition file is called example.partitions
, the partition analysis can be run with:
iqtree -s example.phy -p example.partitions -m GTR+I+G
# for version 1.x change -p to -spp
Note that using RAxML-style partition file, all partitions will use the same rate heterogeneity model given in -m
option (+I+G
in this example). If you want to specify, say, +G
for the first partition and +I+G
for the second partition, then you need to create the more flexible NEXUS partition file. This file contains a SETS
block with
and CharPartition
commands to specify individual genes and the partition, respectively.
For example:
begin sets;
charset part1 = 1-100;
charset part2 = 101-384;
charpartition mine = HKY+G:part1, GTR+I+G:part2;
If your NEXUS file is called example.nex
, then you can use the option -p
to input the file as following:
iqtree -s example.phy -p example.nex
# for version 1.x change -p to -spp
Here, IQ-TREE partitions the alignment example.phy
into 2 sub-alignments named part1
and part2
containing sites (columns) 1-100 and 101-384, respectively. Moreover, IQ-TREE applies the
subtitution models HKY+G
and GTR+I+G
to part1
and part2
, respectively. Substitution model parameters and trees with branch lengths can be found in the result file example.nex.iqtree
Moreover, the CharSet
command allows to specify non-consecutive sites with e.g.:
charset part1 = 1-100 200-384;
That means, part1
contains sites 1-100 and 200-384 of the alignment. Another example is:
charset part1 = 1-100\3;
for extracting sites 1,4,7,...,100 from the alignment. This is useful for getting codon positions from the protein-coding alignment.
IQ-TREE also allows combining sub-alignments from different alignment files, which is helpful if you want to combine mixed data (e.g. DNA and protein) in a single analysis. Here is an example for mixing DNA, protein and codon models:
begin sets;
charset part1 = dna.phy: 1-100 201-300;
charset part2 = dna.phy: 101-200;
charset part3 = prot.phy: 1-400;
charset part4 = prot.phy: 401-600;
charset part5 = codon.phy:CODON, *;
charpartition mine = HKY:part1, GTR+G:part2, LG+G:part3, WAG+I+G:part4, GY:part5;
Here, part1
and part2
contain sub-alignments from alignment file dna.phy
, whereas part3
and part4
are loaded from alignment file prot.phy
and part5
from codon.phy
. The :
is needed to separate the alignment file name and site specification. Note that, for convenience *
in part5
specification means that part5
corresponds to the entire alignment codon.phy
TIP: For
keyword is specified so that IQ-TREE will apply a codon model. Moreover, this implicitly assumes the standard genetic code. If you want to use another genetic code, appendCODON
with the code ID described here {: .tip}
Because the alignment file names are now specified in this NEXUS file, you can omit the -s
iqtree -p example.nex
# for version 1.x change -p to -spp
Note that
and prot.phy
does not need to contain the same set of sequences. For instance, if some sequence occurs
in aln.phy
but not in prot.phy
, IQ-TREE will treat the corresponding parts of sequence
in prot.phy
as missing data. For your convenience IQ-TREE writes the concatenated alignment
into the file example.nex.conaln
ModelFinder implements a greedy strategy (Lanfear et al., 2012) that starts with the full partition model and subsequentially merges two genes until the model fit does not increase any further:
iqtree -s example.phy -p example.nex -m MFP+MERGE
# for version 1.x change -p to -spp
Note that this command considers the FreeRate heterogeneity model (see model selection tutorial). If you want to resemble PartitionFinder by just considering the invariable site and Gamma rate heterogeneity (thus saving computation times), then run:
iqtree -s example.phy -p example.nex -m TESTMERGE
# for version 1.x change -p to -spp
After ModelFinder found the best partition, IQ-TREE will immediately start the tree reconstruction under the best-fit partition model. Sometimes you only want to find the best-fit partition model without doing tree reconstruction, then run:
iqtree -s example.phy -p example.nex -m MF+MERGE
# for version 1.x change -p to -spp
To resemble PartitionFinder and save time:
iqtree -s example.phy -p example.nex -m TESTMERGEONLY
# for version 1.x change -p to -spp
To reduce the computational burden IQ-TREE implements the relaxed hierarchical clustering algorithm (Lanfear et al., 2014), which is invoked via -rcluster
iqtree -s example.phy -p example.nex -m MF+MERGE -rcluster 10
# for version 1.x change -p to -spp
to only examine the top 10% partition merging schemes (similar to the --rcluster-percent 10
option in PartitionFinder).
IQ-TREE can perform the ultrafast bootstrap with partition models by e.g.,
iqtree -s example.phy -p example.nex -B 1000
# for version 1.x change -p to -spp and -B to -bb
Here, IQ-TREE will resample the sites within partitions (i.e., the bootstrap replicates are generated per partition separately and then concatenated together). The same holds true if you do the standard nonparametric bootstrap.
IQ-TREE supports the partition-resampling strategy as suggested by (Nei et al., 2001):
iqtree -s example.phy -p example.nex -B 1000 --sampling GENE
# for version 1.x change -p to -spp and -B to -bb and --sampling to -bsam
to resample partitions instead of sites. Moreover, IQ-TREE allows an even more complicated strategy: resampling partitions and then sites within resampled partitions (Gadagkar et al., 2005; Seo et al., 2005). This may help to reduce false positives (i.e. wrong branch receiving 100% support):
iqtree -s example.phy -p example.nex -B 1000 --sampling GENESITE
# for version 1.x change -p to -spp and -B to -bb and --sampling to -bsam
IQ-TREE supports constrained tree search via -g
option, so that the resulting tree must obey a constraint tree topology. The constraint tree can be multifurcating and need not to contain all species. To illustrate, let's return to the first running example, where we want to force Human grouping with Seal whereas Cow with Whale. If you use the following constraint tree (NEWICK format):
Save this to a file example.constr0
and run:
iqtree -s example.phy -m TIM2+I+G -g example.constr0 --prefix example.constr0
# for version 1.x change --prefix to -pre
(We use a prefix in order not to overwrite output files of the previous run). The resulting part of the tree extracted from example.constr0.iqtree
looks exactly like a normal unconstrained tree search:
| | +------Seal
| +--|
| | +-----Cow
| +--|
| +-------Whale
| | +---Mouse
| +---------|
| +------Rat
This is the correct behavior: although Human and Seal are not monophyletic, this tree indeed satisfies the constraint, because the induced subtree separates (Human,Seal) from (Cow,Whale). This comes from the fact that the tree is unrooted. If you want them to be sister groups, then you need to include outgroup taxa into the constraint tree. For example:
Save this to example.constr1
and run:
iqtree -s example.phy -m TIM2+I+G -g example.constr1 --prefix example.constr1
# for version 1.x change --prefix to -pre
The resulting part of the tree is then:
| +------Seal
| | +-----Cow
| +--|
| +-------Whale
| | +---Mouse
| +---------|
| +------Rat
which shows the desired effect.
NOTE: While this option helps to enforce the tree based on prior knowledge, it is advised to always perform tree topology tests to make sure that the resulting constrained tree is NOT significantly worse than an unconstrained tree! See tree topology tests and testing constrained tree below for a guide how to check this.
IQ-TREE can compute log-likelihoods of a set of trees passed via the -z
iqtree -s example.phy -z example.treels -m GTR+G
assuming that example.treels
is an existing file containing a set of trees in NEWICK format. IQ-TREE first reconstructs an ML tree. Then, it will compute the log-likelihood of the trees in example.treels
based on the estimated parameters done for the ML tree. example.phy.iqtree
will have a section called USER TREES
that lists the tree IDs and the corresponding log-likelihoods.
The trees with optimized branch lengths can be found in example.phy.treels.trees
If you only want to evaluate the trees without reconstructing the ML tree, you can run:
iqtree -s example.phy -z example.treels -n 0
Here, the number of search iterations is set to 0 (-n 0
), such that model parameters are quickly estimated from an initial parsimony tree, which is normally accurate enough for our purpose. If you, however, prefer to estimate model parameters based on a tree (e.g. reconstructed previously), use -te <treefile>
IQ-TREE also supports several tree topology tests using the RELL approximation (Kishino et al., 1990). This includes bootstrap proportion (BP), Kishino-Hasegawa test (Kishino and Hasegawa, 1989), Shimodaira-Hasegawa test (Shimodaira and Hasegawa, 1999), expected likelihood weights (Strimmer and Rambaut, 2002):
iqtree -s example.phy -z example.treels -n 0 -zb 1000
Here, -zb
specifies the number of RELL replicates, where 1000 is the recommended minimum number. The USER TREES
section of example.phy.iqtree
will list the results of BP, KH, SH, and ELW methods.
If you also want to perform the weighted KH and weighted SH tests, simply add -zw
iqtree -s example.phy -z example.treels -n 0 -zb 1000 -zw
Starting with version 1.4.0 IQ-TREE supports approximately unbiased (AU) test (Shimodaira, 2002) via -au
iqtree -s example.phy -z example.treels -n 0 -zb 1000 -zw -au
This will perform all above tests plus the AU test.
Finally, note that IQ-TREE will automatically detect duplicated tree topologies and omit them during the evaluation.
The KH, SH and AU tests return p-values, thus a tree is rejected if its p-value < 0.05 (marked with a
sign).bp-RELL and c-ELW return posterior weights which are not p-value. The weights sum up to 1 across the trees tested.
The KH test (Kishino and Hasegawa, 1989) was designed to test 2 trees and thus has no correction for multiple testing. The SH test (Shimodaira and Hasegawa, 1999) fixes this problem.
However, the SH test becomes too conservative (i.e., rejecting fewer trees than expected) when testing many trees. The AU test (Shimodaira, 2002) fixes this problem and is thus recommended as replacement for both KH and SH tests. {: .tip}
We now illustrate an example to use the AU test (see above) to test trees from unconstrained versus constrained search, which is helpful to know if a constrained search is sensible or not. Thus:
Perform an unconstrained search:
iqtree -s example.phy -m TIM2+I+G --prefix example.unconstr # for version 1.x change --prefix to -pre
Perform a constrained search, where
file contains:((Human,Seal),(Cow,Whale),Mouse);
:iqtree -s example.phy -m TIM2+I+G -g example.constr1 --prefix example.constr1 # for version 1.x change --prefix to -pre
Perform another constrained search, where
file contains((Human,Cow,Whale),Seal,Mouse);
:iqtree -s example.phy -m TIM2+I+G -g example.constr2 --prefix example.constr2 # for version 1.x change --prefix to -pre
Perform the last constrained search, where
file contains((Human,Mouse),(Cow,Rat),Opossum);
:iqtree -s example.phy -m TIM2+I+G -g example.constr3 --prefix example.constr3 # for version 1.x change --prefix to -pre
Concatenate all trees into a file:
# for Linux or macOS cat example.unconstr.treefile example.constr1.treefile example.constr2.treefile example.constr3.treefile > example.treels # for Windows type example.unconstr.treefile example.constr1.treefile example.constr2.treefile example.constr3.treefile > example.treels
Test the set of trees:
iqtree -s example.phy -m TIM2+I+G -z example.treels -n 0 -zb 1000 -au
Now look at the resulting .iqtree
See example.phy.trees for trees with branch lengths.
Tree logL deltaL bp-RELL p-KH p-SH c-ELW p-AU
1 -21152.617 0.000 0.7110 + 0.7400 + 1.0000 + 0.6954 + 0.7939 +
2 -21156.802 4.185 0.2220 + 0.2600 + 0.5910 + 0.2288 + 0.3079 +
3 -21158.579 5.962 0.0670 + 0.1330 + 0.5130 + 0.0758 + 0.1452 +
4 -21339.596 186.980 0.0000 - 0.0000 - 0.0000 - 0.0000 - 0.0000 -
deltaL : logL difference from the maximal logl in the set.
bp-RELL : bootstrap proportion using RELL method (Kishino et al. 1990).
p-KH : p-value of one sided Kishino-Hasegawa test (1989).
p-SH : p-value of Shimodaira-Hasegawa test (2000).
c-ELW : Expected Likelihood Weight (Strimmer & Rambaut 2002).
p-AU : p-value of approximately unbiased (AU) test (Shimodaira, 2002).
Plus signs denote the 95% confidence sets.
Minus signs denote significant exclusion.
All tests performed 1000 resamplings using the RELL method.
One sees that the AU test does not reject the first 3 trees (denoted by +
sign below the p-AU
column), whereas the last tree is significantly excluded (-
sign). All other tests also agree with this. Therefore, groupings of (Human,Mouse)
and (Cow,Rat)
do not make sense. Whereas the phylogenetic position of Seal
based on 3 first trees is still undecidable. This is in agreement with the SH-aLRT and ultrafast bootstrap supports done in the Tutorial.
IQ-TREE can construct an extended majority-rule consensus tree from a set of trees written in NEWICK or NEXUS format (e.g., produced by MrBayes):
iqtree -con mytrees
To build a majority-rule consensus tree, simply set the minimum support threshold to 0.5:
iqtree -con mytrees -minsup 0.5
If you want to specify a burn-in (the number of beginning trees to ignore from the trees file), use -bi
iqtree -con mytrees -minsup 0.5 -bi 100
to skip the first 100 trees in the file.
IQ-TREE can also compute a consensus network and print it into a NEXUS file by:
iqtree -net mytrees
Finally, a useful feature is to read in an input tree and a set of trees, then IQ-TREE can assign the support value onto the input tree (number of times each branch in the input tree occurs in the set of trees). This option is useful if you want to compute the support values for an ML tree based on alternative topologies.
iqtree -sup input_tree set_of_trees
Users can specify any DNA model using a 6-letter code that defines which rates should be equal.
For example, 010010
corresponds to the HKY model and 012345
to the GTR model.
In fact, IQ-TREE uses this specification internally to simplify the coding. The 6-letter code is specified via the -m
option, e.g.:
iqtree -s example.phy -m 010010+G
Moreover, with the -m
option one can input a file which contains the 6 rates (A-C, A-G, A-T, C-G, C-T, G-T) and 4 base frequencies (A, C, G, T). For example:
iqtree -s example.phy -m mymodel+G
where mymodel
is a file containing the 10 entries described above, in the correct order. The entries can be seperated by either empty space(s) or newline character. One can even specify the rates within -m
option by e.g.:
iqtree -s example.phy -m 'TN{2.0,3.0}+G8{0.5}+I{0.15}'
That means, we use Tamura-Nei model with fixed transition-transversion rate ratio of 2.0 and purine/pyrimidine rate ratio of 3.0. Moreover, we use 8-category Gamma-distributed site rates with the shape parameter (alpha) equal to 0.5 and a proportion of invariable sites p-inv=0.15.
By default IQ-TREE computes empirical state frequencies from the alignment by counting, but one can also estimate the frequencies by maximum-likelihood
with +Fo
in the model name:
iqtree -s example.phy -m GTR+G+Fo
For amino-acid alignments, IQ-TREE use the empirical frequencies specified in the model. If you want frequencies as counted from the alignment, use +F
, for example:
iqtree -s myprotein_alignment -m WAG+G+F
Note that all model specifications above can be used in the partition model NEXUS file.
IQ-TREE allows to infer site-specific evolutionary rates if a site-rate heterogeneity model such as Gamma or FreeRate is the best model. Here, IQ-TREE will estimate model parameters and then apply an empirical Bayesian approach to assign site-rates as the mean over rate categories, weighted by the posterior probability of the site falling into each category. This approach is provided in IQ-TREE because such empirical Bayesian approach was shown to be most accurate (Mayrose et al., 2004). An example run:
iqtree -s example.phy --rate
# for version 1.x change --rate to -wsr
IQ-TREE will write an output file example.phy.rate
that looks like:
Site Rate Category Categorized_rate
1 0.26625 2 0.24393
2 0.99345 3 0.81124
3 2.69275 4 2.91367
4 0.25822 2 0.24393
5 0.25822 2 0.24393
6 0.42589 2 0.24393
7 0.30194 2 0.24393
8 0.72790 3 0.81124
9 0.25822 2 0.24393
10 0.09177 1 0.03116
The 1st column is site index of the alignment (starting from 1), the 2nd column Rate
shows the mean site-specific rate as explained above, and the 3rd and 4th columns show the category index and rate of the Gamma rate category with the highest probability for this site (1 for slow and 4 for fast rate).
The above run will perform a full tree search. To speed up you can use -n 0
to only use a parsimony tree for site rate estimates. Or if you have already infered an ML tree, you can specify it to improve the rate estimate:
iqtree -s example.phy -t ml.treefile -n 0 --rate
# for version 1.x change --rate to -wsr
where -t
is the option to input a fixed tree topology and ml.treefile
is the ML tree reconstructed previously.
If you already know the best-fit model for the alignment, you can use specify it via -m
option to omit model selection and hence speed it up:
iqtree -s example.phy -m GTR+R10 -n 0 --rate
# for version 1.x change --rate to -wsr
Finally, IQ-TREE 2 allows to estimate rates by maximum likelihood via --mlrate
iqtree -s example.phy -n 0 --mlrate
This will print an output file example.phy.mlrate
that looks like:
# Site-specific subtitution rates determined by maximum likelihood
# This file can be read in MS Excel or in R with command:
# tab=read.table('example.phy.mlrate',header=TRUE)
# Columns are tab-separated with following meaning:
# Site: Alignment site ID
# Rate: Site rate estimated by maximum likelihood
Site Rate
1 2.51550
2 12.89129
3 34.31350
4 2.44313
5 2.44313
6 4.41889
7 2.69577
8 9.27503
9 2.44313
10 0.00001
See Command Reference for a complete list of all options available in IQ-TREE.
Copyright (c) 2010-2022 IQ-TREE development team.
- First example
- Model selection
- New model selection
- Codon models
- Binary, Morphological, SNPs
- Ultrafast bootstrap
- Nonparametric bootstrap
- Single branch tests
- Partitioned analysis
- Partitioning with mixed data
- Partition scheme selection
- Bootstrapping partition model
- Utilizing multi-core CPUs
- Tree topology tests
- User-defined models
- Consensus construction and bootstrap value assignment
- Computing Robinson-Foulds distance
- Generating random trees
- Estimating amino acid substitution models
- DNA models
- Protein models
- Codon models
- Binary, morphological models
- Ascertainment bias correction
- Rate heterogeneity
- Counts files
- First running example
- Substitution models
- Virtual population size
- Sampling method
- Bootstrap branch support
- Interpretation of branch lengths