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Time and Memory performances

Federica Di Lauro edited this page Oct 31, 2023 · 2 revisions

For each problem sequence, we also benchmark the time and GPU memory usage.


We measure the total time elapsed for each problem sequence, using the linux command time

It can be installed using apt install time

Usage: command time --verbose -o output_file_time.txt python3

Example of the time output:

Command being timed: "python3 --weights=/home/docker/GeoTransformer_benchmark/weights/geotransformer-kitti.pth.tar --input_txt=/benchmark/point_clouds_registration_benchmark/dataset_voxelgrid_0.3//eth/apartment_global.txt --input_pcd_dir=/benchmark/point_clouds_registration_benchmark/dataset_voxelgrid_0.3//eth/apartment/ --output_dir=/benchmark/experiments/geotransformer/kitti"
	User time (seconds): 25.46
	System time (seconds): 2.77
	Percent of CPU this job got: 159%
	Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 0:17.64

We consider the Elapsed (wall clock) time.


We use the nvidia-smi util to monitor the GPU memory usage for each problem sequence.

Example command `nvidia-smi --query-gpu=timestamp,memory.used -i GPU_NUMBER --format=csv -lms 1 > output_file_memory.txt')

To run nvidia-smi together with the benchmark and to stop it once the benchmark finishes, we use the parallel GNU util.

parallel -j2 --halt now,success=1 ::: {time_command} {nvidia_command}

The output files will be a csv file, containing the GPU memory usage monitored every 1 ms:

timestamp, memory.used [MiB]
2023/10/18 21:40:32.489, 16 MiB
2023/10/18 21:40:32.491, 16 MiB
2023/10/18 21:40:32.492, 16 MiB

Note: the memory files are not uploaded to the repo because they are too big, they are stored in the gdrive folder.