- Jetson AGX Orin and Yolov5 based fire detection, tracking, and extinguishing
- You need python 3.7 or higher
- You need to install PyTorch
- Install digitalio (to actuate water pump through GPIO): https://learn.adafruit.com/circuitpython-libraries-on-linux-and-the-nvidia-jetson-nano/digital-i-o
- Circuit diagram
- From https://github.com/spacewalk01/yolov5-fire-detection
- Install Yolov5
- Replace detect.py file with the given file. Run the code by simple command: python3 detect.py
Demo video https://1drv.ms/v/s!AvTw1Qmj6sVDhoBGhomS4i6ZqaBp1A?e=33URO1