Welcome to my private repository for the GfG 160 Program! This repository is dedicated to solving the handpicked DSA problems provided in the program and organizing the solutions topic-wise for better learning and reference.
The repository is divided into folders corresponding to the 19 modules covered in the program:
GfG_160/ │ ├── Arrays/ # Problems for Days 1–13 ├── Strings/ # Problems for Days 14–20 ├── Sorting/ # Problems for Days 21–27 ├── Searching/ # Problems for Days 28–35 ├── Matrix/ # Problems for Days 36–41 ├── Hashing/ # Problems for Days 42–49 ├── Two_Pointer_Technique/ # Problems for Days 50–61 ├── Prefix_Sum/ # Problems for Days 62–66 ├── Linked_List/ # Problems for Days 67–76 ├── Backtracking/ # Problems for Days 77–79 ├── Trees/ # Problems for Days 80–92 ├── Heap/ # Problems for Days 93–96 ├── Stack/ # Problems for Days 97–105 ├── Queue_and_Deque/ # Problems for Days 106–107 ├── Dynamic_Programming/ # Problems for Days 108–133 ├── Greedy/ # Problems for Days 134–137 ├── Graphs/ # Problems for Days 138–152 ├── Tries/ # Problems for Days 153–155 └── Bit_Manipulation/ # Problems for Days 156–160
Each folder contains:
- Problem Statements: Detailed descriptions of the problems.
- Solutions: My code implementations for each problem.
- Notes: Key concepts, approaches, and observations related to the topic.
The problems are divided into the following topics:
- Arrays (Days 1–13)
- Strings (Days 14–20)
- Sorting (Days 21–27)
- Searching (Days 28–35)
- Matrix (Days 36–41)
- Hashing (Days 42–49)
- Two Pointer Technique (Days 50–61)
- Prefix Sum (Days 62–66)
- Linked List (Days 67–76)
- Backtracking (Days 77–79)
- Trees (Days 80–92)
- Heap (Days 93–96)
- Stack (Days 97–105)
- Queue and Deque (Days 106–107)
- Dynamic Programming (DP) (Days 108–133)
- Greedy (Days 134–137)
- Graphs (Days 138–152)
- Tries (Days 153–155)
- Bit Manipulation (Days 156–160)
- Navigate to the relevant folder to access problem statements, solutions, and notes.
- Use the repository as a reference to reinforce concepts and practice coding.
This repository is my workspace to master DSA in a systematic and structured way through the GfG 160 Program.