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How to Measure the Reproducibility of System-oriented IR Experiments

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How to Measure the Reproducibility of System-oriented IR Experiments


This repository contains the accompanying code, dataset and online appendix of:

Timo Breuer, Nicola Ferro, Norbert Fuhr, Maria Maistro, Tetsuya Sakai, Philipp Schaer, and Ian Soboroff. 2020. How to Measure the Reproducibility of System-oriented IR Experiments. In Proceedings of the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR’20).


Replicability and reproducibility of experimental results are primary concerns in all the areas of science and IR is not an exception. Besides the problem of moving the field towards more reproducible experimental practices and protocols, we also face a severe methodological issue: we do not have any means to assess when reproduced is reproduced. Moreover, we lack any reproducibility-oriented dataset, which would allow us to develop such methods.

To address these issues, we compare several measures to objectively quantify to what extent we have replicated or reproduced a system-oriented IR experiment. These measures operate at different levels of granularity, from the fine-grained comparison of ranked lists, to the more general comparison of the obtained effects and significant differences. Moreover, we also develop a reproducibility-oriented dataset, which allows us to validate our measures and which can also be used to develop future measures.

Project overview

  • appendix/: online appendix with additional Tables and Figures
  • config/: configurations of each run constellation
  • core/: core modules of the reimplementation
  • dataset/: replicated and reproduced results of wcrobust04 and wcrobust0405 with 200 runs in total
  • evaluation/: scripts for the evaluation of the experimental setup
  • replicability/: scripts for producing replicated results
  • reproducibility/: scripts for producing reproduced results


  1. Install requirements with pip:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Download English stopwords for nltk:

    python -m nltk.downloader stopwords
  3. Clone trec_eval and compile it in this directory:

    git clone && make -C trec_eval
  4. Edit config/ by adding the path of the four test collections to the parameters robust04, robust05, core17 and core18.

  5. Specify one of the 50 run constellations with the help of config/ Set the parameter num_con to the appropriate number of the constellation. If the preprocessing has already been done for a previous run, it can be omitted by setting the parameter data_prep to False.

  6. Run the commands below for producing the respective run.

Replicability Reproducibility
WCRobust04 python -m replicability.wcrobust04 python -m reproducibility.wcrobust04
WCRobust0405 python -m replicability.wcrobust0405 python -m reproducibility.wcrobust0405


Mapping run names to constellation numbers

run name constellation number
rpl/rpd_tf_1 45
rpl/rpd_tf_2 46
rpl/rpd_tf_3 47
rpl/rpd_tf_4 48
rpl/rpd_tf_5 49
rpl/rpd_df_1 14
rpl/rpd_df_2 15
rpl/rpd_df_3 16
rpl/rpd_df_4 17
rpl/rpd_df_5 18
rpl/rpd_tol_1 39
rpl/rpd_tol_2 38
rpl/rpd_tol_3 37
rpl/rpd_tol_4 36
rpl/rpd_tol_5 35
rpl/rpd_C_1 44
rpl/rpd_C_2 43
rpl/rpd_C_3 42
rpl/rpd_C_4 41
rpl/rpd_C_5 40


For the evaluation script you need Matlab and Matters.

Alternatively, some evaluation measures are already pre-computed and stored in csv files: evaluation/matlab/results.