Released on 2023-04-20
New features
Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool (MTMT)
- Improve MTMT file validation
- Fixed: Corrected invalid minlength/maxlength properties (originated by a @stevespringett finding)
- Fixed: Test GH worflows are failing due to a wrong pip version
- Change from fastAPI to swagger API documentation
- Fixed invalid otmVersion property. Added metadata by @stevespringett in #205
- Corrected invalid minlength/maxlength properties by @stevespringett in . #204. Although the solution proposed in this pull request was rejected, the finding was taken in consideration and fixed.
- Example OTM files. Issue by @stevespringett in #37. OTM example files were updated.
- Example OTM files
- StartLeft Client: Scan the code with static code analysis tools
- Upgraded libraries: fastapi, pytest, mkdocs-material, pydown-extensions
- Check docker configuration files