Released on 2023-11-06
New features
All import formats
- Release multiple trustzone implementation
- Add catchall and skip mapping functions to Lucidchart
- summary CLI option to retrieve the full list of components available in the VSDX files
- Bidirectional and multiple matches supported in CreateConnectorByLineCoordinates
- For shapes that have no text, component name comes from component type
- Improves calculation of a parent component is the parent is wrong
Terraform Plan
- Attack surface for AWS resources: Create inbound connections by Module: security-group
Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool (MTMT)
- Make MTM parser resilient to figures without names.
Drawio parser MVP
- Coming soon!
- Fixed version of setuptools-scm
- Python v3.12 as latest supported version
- Reduced StartLeft docker image-building time
- some dependencies updated