Release of P2 Octo Serial port driver
Update: isp_mem_strings.spin2
fixed use of now reserved work in latest Spin2 def. (v37),
- Services 1 to 8 ports from single cog running Pasm2
- Tested initial configuration: 115,200 bps, N81
- Validated with serial decoding logic analyzer
- Tested Raspberry Pi <-> P2 - two serial pairs
- Tested P2 <-> P2 - six more serial pairs
- Added new method
PUB txBytesEmpty(portHandle) : nbrCharsAvail
for determining when new message will fit entirely in tx queue - Now tested P2 <-> P2 all 8 channels with CRC validation on all messages. No data loss or corruption at 115,200
- Service rate per port is ~860nSec suggesting we likely can run > 2Mbaud on all 8-ports (but need to verify)
Known Issues
- We need more characterization now that it's working so well.
- We saw one issue with the 2nd serial port connected to a test RPi 4. The second serial port started the first transmission with a leading 0x00 byte. The cause has not been found.
- When testing P2 <-> P2 with many ports we saw no such issues as is the same with the first of the two serial lines connected to the RPi
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.0.2