- Anggara Yuda Pratama (05111840000008)
- Irsyadhani Dwi Shubhi (05111840000022)
- Brananda Denta Wira Pranata (05111840000143)
This repo created for submission of Web Programming Lecture
Article Forum Website using Framework Laravel (including homepage, register, login, profile page, post page, comment page, and reset password page)
- Run and open Apache on XAMPP or another app
- Make database laravel in PHPMyadmin
- Import SQL file SQL
- Windows + R
- write
then Enter - Write composer install
- Write composer update
- Write php artisan key:generate
- Write php artisan cache:clear
- Write php artisan config:clear
- Write php artisan migrate
- Write php artisan serve
- Write on your URL: http://localhost:8000
- Write on your website URL: http://forum-article823.000webhostapp.com/