This project implements a MQTT Client and HTTPS Rest controller to serve as a MQTT/HTTPS Bridge server for my WiFi connected garage door opener. The MQTT/HTTPS Bridge takes web request and communicates with a ESP8266 WiFi module via MQTT to enable the door to be opened in a browser, Android app, or via a Google Assistant voice command. This project uses the following technologies:
- Java
- Sprint Boot
- Eclipse Paho MQTT Software
- Maven
- MqttBridge
- This class implements the Eclipse Paho MQTT MqttCallback method to communicate with the Mosquitto Broker and update our Mqtt devices.
- MqttDeviceManager
- This class encapsulates the MQTT devices to handle all read and update requests from the MqttBrigde class.
- MqttRestController
- This class maps web requests to MqttBridge functions to provide the status of the MqttBridge and read/write to the MQTT devices.
- ConfigService
- This class reads the values from the file and provides them to the MqttBridge and MqttDeviceManager classes.
- Spring Boot
- Using [Spring Initializr][] you can easily setup all requried spring boot dependencies for your SpringBoot project. This project utilized the SpringBoot starter Web and Security dependencies.
- Eclipse Paho MQTT Software
- Follow the instructions to add the repository definition and dependency definition to the project pom.xml.
- Java JDK 1.8
- Maven
- Set your application properites for the Web server, login, and the MqttHttpsBridge application.
- All required fields can be found in the example_application_properties file.
- mvn clean install -Dspring.config.location=/full/path/to/
- mvn test -Dspring.config.location=/full/path/to/
- java -jar SpringBootMqttHttpsBridge-0.0.1.jar --spring.config.location=/full/path/to/
- Refactor and upload Android app files
- Refactor and upload Arduino files for ESP8266 files
- Add diagram for GarageDoor functionality (interaction between MqttBridge, Android, and ESP8266 modules)
- Implement Android App in Kotlin
- Replace all String Request with JSON request throughtout project