-+👋+Hi,+I’m+@isabel-45her -++++I’m+interested+in+getting+in+touch+db+removing+pipelines+fix+fake+calls+ones+finacial+belongings+property+real+stuff+stopping+the+funk+bring+currupted+to+real+Justice -+🌱+I’m+currently+learning+anything -+💞️+I’m+looking+to+collaborate+on+slack+here+anywhere -+📫+How+to+reach+me+this+part+is+the+hard+part
- Create a TXT record in your DNS configuration for the following hostname: _github-challenge-Acme-C.travieso.top
- Configure for me.plz
- Use this code for the value of the TXT record: d4909538a8. Please note that
- Configure for me plz.
- Wait until your DNS configuration changes. This could take up to 72 hours to propagate.
- Successfully
- Thank you