These instructions how to build the OpenGeo Suite platform indepenent components. It does not include PostGIS.
The following software packages are required to build the suite.
- Java Development Kit (JDK) - 1.5+
- Apache Maven - 2.2.1+
- JSTools - Latest
- Sphinx - 1.0+
- Git - Recent
For the imapatient.
If you build GeoTools, GeoServer, or GeoWebCache with maven locally for other projects you should skip this quickstart and follow the entire set of instructions.
Download settings.xml
Clone the repository:
% git clone git:// suite % cd suite
Initialize submodule dependnecies:
% git submodule update --init --recursive
Do a full build:
% mvn -s /path/to/settings.xml clean install -Dfull
If you don't build GeoTools, GeoServer, or GeoWebCache locally on a regular basis you can skip this section.
The suite builds its own internal versions of many components like GeoTools and GeoServer. To keep these builds separate it is recommened that you set up an virtual environment for the suite build.
Tools like virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper are useful for creating virtual environments with configuration specific to a particular project. It is recommened that you set up a "virtualenv" specifically for the suite. In that virtualenv you can configure custom settingsfor maven, etc...
Due to the fact that GeoServer depends on GeoTools and GeoWebCache via SNAPSHOT versions, Maven must be configured to not download SNAPSHOT versions from any online repositories that publish GeoTools and GeoWebCache artifacts.
If you don't build GeoServer, GeoTools, or GeoWebCache locally for other
projects then you can skip teh part in settings.xml
about a custom
Set up a custom settings.xml
<settings> <localRepository>[path to custom maven repository]</localRepository> <profiles> <profile> <id>no-snapshots</id> <repositories> <repository> <id>opengeo</id> <name>opengeo</name> <snapshots> <enabled>false</enabled> <updatePolicy>never</updatePolicy> </snapshots> <url></url> </repository> <repository> <id>osgeo</id> <name>Open Source Geospatial Foundation Repository</name> <url></url> <snapshots> <enabled>false</enabled> <updatePolicy>never</updatePolicy> </snapshots> </repository> <repository> <id>org.mapfish</id> <name>MapFish Repository</name> <url></url> <snapshots> <enabled>false</enabled> <updatePolicy>never</updatePolicy> </snapshots> </repository> </repositories> </profile> </profiles> <activeProfiles> <activeProfile>no-snapshots</activeProfile> </activeProfiles> </settings>
This file must be used for maven builds. An easy way to do this is to alias
the mvn
% alias mvn="mvn -s /path/to/settings.xml"
The suite repository contains submodules that pull in external dependencies. After cloning the repository you must initialize the submodules:
% git clone git:// suite % cd suite % git submodule init % git submodule sync % git submodule update
If you are building the suite locally for the first time you must do a full build:
% mvn clean install -Dfull
The above command will build everything, including all external dependencies.
Dropping the -Dfull
flag will only build the core suite components:
% mvn clean install
To build a distribution a full build must first be completed. After which the following command is used:
% mvn assembly:attached
Resulting artifacts will be located in the target
The build and assembly commands can also be merged into one:
% mvn clean install assembly:attached -Dfull
As mentioned above the suite pulls in many external components as submodules.
The ones required to build the OpenGeo Suite GeoServer are located in the
directory and include GeoServer itself, GeoTools, and
During a suite maven build these externals are only built if the -Dfull
is specified.
Each of these externals is built with a separate maven process so flags such as -o (offline) are not propagated. To propogate custom flags to the respective build commands specific properties must be set.
- GeoServer build flagsgt.flags
- GeoTools build flagsgwc.flags
- GeoWebCache build flags
For instance, perhaps we want to enable a GeoServer extension that is typically not built and distributed with the suite. The following command can be used:
% mvn clean install -Dfull -Dgs.flags="-P app-schema"
Often the build of one the submodules fails. For projects like GeoTools that
contain many modules rebuilding all previously built modules is onerous. The
maven option can be used to restart the build from a particular module:
% mvn clean install -Dfull -Dgt.flags="-rf modules/library/render"
Offline builds are useful in projects like the suite and its dependants that
contain SNAPSHOT dependencies. However as mentioned above because the externals
are built with a separate maven command, the offline switch will not be
propogated. The -Doffline
flag is used to signal to the respective builds
that offline mode should be used:
% mvn clean install -Dfull -Doffline