To-Do List App
A feature-rich To-Do List application built with Jetpack Compose. This app provides a clean and interactive user interface for managing tasks efficiently.
Key Features:
- Add Tasks: Add new tasks to the list with ease.
- Edit Tasks: Update task details through an intuitive dialog interface.
- Delete Tasks: Remove individual tasks or clear the entire list with confirmation dialogs.
- Persistent Storage: Tasks are stored locally using file serialization, ensuring data is retained even after the app is closed.
- Custom UI Design: Utilizes Material3 components, custom colors, and rounded corner shapes for a modern look.
- Interactive Notifications: Toast messages provide feedback for user actions.
Technical Highlights:
Jetpack Compose: Fully implemented using Jetpack Compose for declarative UI.
State Management: Efficiently handles state using remember and mutableStateOf.
Local File I/O: Reads and writes tasks to a local file using ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream.
LazyColumn: Renders a dynamic list of tasks with scroll support.