A Neumorphism and Glassmorphism based UI library for React, React Native and NextJs applications, built using TailwindCSS.
Try it out: https://softui-demo.vercel.app/
- LED Light
- Switch Button
- LCD Screen
- Slider
- Text Field
- Text Area
- Check Box
- Select
- Date Picker
- Time Picker
- Card (12 Variants)
- Chip (8 Variants)
- Icon (Neumorphic style, compatible with react-icons)
- Typography
- Buttons
Simply click on View Code button and copy paste the source code. You can also customise it as per your needs :)
Make sure to make appropiate changes in your tailwind.config.ts file to access the default styles!
For any queries, you can mail me at developerishant710@gmail.com