A cookiecutter template for ISL Django projects.
- ES2015 support via Babel
- Gulp
- SASS (w/Autoprefixer)
- Browserify
- BrowserSync
- UglifyJS
- CleanCSS
- Django 1.10
- dj-database-url
- django-debug-toolbar
- django-redis
- django-rq
- django-rq-wrapper
- django-storages
- psycopg2
- python-decouple
- pytz
- raven
- rq
mo-django is served with:
First, make sure you have cookiecutter installed. If you are using OS X, Homebrew can take care of that for you:
brew install cookiecutter
Cookiecutter templates can be installed directly from GitHub. Navigate to the directory where you want your project to be created and run:
cookiecutter gh:istrategylabs/mo-django
Answer the questions as you are prompted. Once the project has been generated, navigate to your project and link it to github with:
cd yourprojectname
git init
git remote add origin git@github.com:organization/repo-name.git
git add .
git commit -am 'Mo init'
git push -u origin master
The project contains a README with instructions on how to get your Django project up and running.
Go write beautiful code.
Install requirements:
pipenv install --dev --python 3.6