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Bot Web Handler

A webhook driven handler for Telegram Bots


  1. git clone my-bot
  2. cd my-bot
  3. composer install
  4. cp .env.sample .env


1. Set the following properties in the .env file

  • domain url APP_DOMAIN
  • bot token BOT_TOKEN
  • webhook secret TG_WEBHOOK_SIGNATURE (Optional)
  • Telegram source IP TG_WEBHOOK_SOURCE_IP (Optional)
    • I don't recommend setting this, because the Telegram IP will definitely change.

2. Set the following properties in the config.php file

  • routes - routes to accept requests from (Optional)
  • whitelist - list of allowed user ids (Optional)
  • blacklist - list of disallowed user ids (Optional)

3. Useful commands

Command Description
php cli update:check check for available updates
php cli update:apply apply available updates
php cli handler:make <name> create new handler
php cli handler:delete <name> delete a handler
php cli webhook:set [uri] set bot webhook (URI is optional)
php cli webhook:unset unset bot webhook
php cli migrate <tables> migrate tables (users, events, sessions)
php cli queue:init create queue table + jobs directory
php cli queue:work run queue



 * handle all incoming photos
 * @param IncomingPhoto $photo
 * @return void
public function photos(IncomingPhoto $photo): void
    echo '[+] File ID: ' . $photo->photos[0]->fileId;
    // to download photo
        filename: 'photo.png',           // optional
        directory: '/path/to/save/photo' // optional


 * handle all incoming videos
 * @param IncomingVideo $video
 * @return void
public function videos(IncomingVideo $video): void
    echo '[+] File ID: ' . $video->fileId;
    // to download video
        filename: 'video.mp4',           // optional
        directory: '/path/to/save/video' // optional


 * handle start command
 * @return void
public function onStart(IncomingCommand $command): void

Callback Queries

 * handle incoming callback query
 * @param IncomingCallbackQuery $query
 * @return void
public function callbacks(IncomingCallbackQuery $query): void
    echo '[+] response: ' . $query->data['game:type'];

Accept Only Private Chats

 * handle incoming text from private chats
 * @return void
public function text(IncomingMessage $message): void
    echo '[+] user sent: ' . $message->text;

Accept Only From User(s)

 * handle incoming text from specific user/users
 * @return void
#[Only(userId: '<id>', userIds: [...'<id>'])]
public function text(IncomingMessage $message): void
    echo '[+] user sent: ' . $message->text;

Accept User Input (note: this filter requires session to work)

  1. we would set the input value to age in order to be able to intercept it later
  2. remove the input property from the session once you've used it, otherwise any text message containing a number will be captured by the handler.
  3. new NumberValidator is used to ensure that the handler only intercepts numeric text messages
 * handle incoming age command
 * @return void
public function age(): void
    session()->set('input', 'age');
    $this->telegram->sendMessage('Please type in your age:');

 * handle incoming user input
 * @return void
#[Awaits('input', 'age')]
#[Text(Validator: new NumberValidator())]
public function setAge(IncomingMessage $message): void
    $age = $message->text;

Handling Payments (in 3 steps)

  1. Create invoice and send it to users
  2. Answer pre-checkout query by confirming the product is available
  3. Process successful payments
 * handle incoming purchase command
 * @return void
public function purchase(): void
        title: 'Product title',
        description: 'Product description',
        payload: 'data for your internal processing',
        prices: [
            ['label' => 'Product Name', 'amount' => 100]
        currency: 'USD',
        providerToken: 'Token assigned to you after linking your stripe account with telegram'

 * handle incoming pre checkout query
 * @param IncomingPreCheckoutQuery $preCheckoutQuery
 * @return void
public function preCheckout(IncomingPreCheckoutQuery $preCheckoutQuery): void
        queryId: $preCheckoutQuery->id,
        ok: true, // true if ok, otherwise false
        errorMessage: 'if you have any errors'

 * handle incoming successful payment
 * @return void
public function paid(IncomingSuccessfulPayment $successfulPayment): void
    // save payment info and send thank you message

Simple Queue

Currently, the queue only uses database to manage jobs, in the future, other methods will be integrated.

configure queue in 3 steps:

  1. run migration: php cli queue:init
  2. run queue worker: php cli queue:work
  3. create job: typically, you would create the job in the App\Jobs directory where your jobs will live. Job classes must implement the IJob interface.
use TeleBot\System\Core\Queuable;
use TeleBot\System\Interfaces\IJob;

readonly class UrlParserJob implements IJob

    use Queuable;

     * @inheritDoc
    public function __construct(protected int $id, protected array $data) {}

     * @inheritDoc
    public function process(): void
        // process your data

dispatching jobs:

 * handle incoming urls
 * @return void
public function urls(IncomingUrl $url): void
    // dispatch job using:
    UrlParserJob::dispatch(['url' => $url]);
    // or:
    queue()->dispatch(UrlParserJob::class, [
        'url' => $url
    $this->telegram->sendMessage('Your url is being processed!');

Accepting requests other than Telegram's.

In config.php, you can configure your routes to handle other requests.

  * @var array $routes allowed routes
 'routes' => [
     'web' => [
         'get' => [
             '/api/health-check' => 'HealthCheck::index'
         'post' => [
             '/api/whitelist' => 'Whitelist::update'

Delegates (middlewares)

delegates are meant to intercept incoming requests before hitting the final handler. To create a delegate, simply add new class to the App\Delegates directory, and implement the IDelegate interface.

This example demonstrates how to verify that the http request is coming from the admin.

Example Web Handler:

use TeleBot\App\Delegates\IsAdmin;

 * list all users
 * @return void
public function users(): void
    // some logic to fetch users
    $users = [];
    response()->send(['users' => $users], true);

IsAdmin delegate:

 * check if request is coming from the admin
 * @return void
public function __invoke(): void
    $apiKey = response()->headers('X-Admin-Api-Key');
    if (empty($apiKey)) {

    $secret = getenv('ADMIN_API_KEY');
    if (!hash_equals($secret, $apiKey)) {

Auto Deployments

You can easily configure auto-deployment using GitHub webhooks by following these 2 steps:

  1. Environment Variables:

    • set the path to the git executable
    • set GIT_AUTO_DEPLOY to true
    • set webhook secret for verification GIT_WEBHOOK_SECRET
    • set comma-separated usernames allowed in auto-deployments GIT_COMMIT_USERS
    • set comma-separated trigger keywords for auto-deployments GIT_COMMIT_KEYWORDS
  2. Git Routes:

    • set custom route for github events in the config.php file
     * @var array $routes allowed routes
    'routes' => [
        'git' => [
            'post' => [
                '/git' => null


# .env file


whenever a verified incoming github webhook event comes in, that contains #auto or #merge in the commit message, and is committed by ismailian, it will trigger a git pull command.

Basic Caching

use the Cache or cache() to access the cache interface. Data can be stored globally or per user.


if (($weatherData = cache()->get('weather_data'))) {

$weatherData = []; // get data from API

cache()->remember('weather_data', $weatherData);

Per User:

$cacheKey = cache()->fingerprint();
if (($weatherData = cache()->get($cacheKey))) {

$weatherData = []; // get data from API

cache()->remember($cacheKey, $weatherData);


A webhook driven handler for Telegram Bots







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