Display support for presentations or technical talks (slides, notebooks, code snippets)
In the next days, I will be uploading and linking material from other repos and data formats. Stay tuned and thanks for being patient!
Introducción a XGBoost: Decision Trees, Random Forests & Gradient Boosting Machines
Python Monterrey: Primera reunión 2019 22/Febrero/2019 07:00 P.M. @ WeWork (Blvd. Antonio L. Rodriguez 1888)
Recurrent courses about Python, SciPy/PyData Ecosystem and Machine Learning
Día de las comunidades Monterrey | Machine Learning para Videojuegos (Reinforcement Learning / Q-Learning)
Israel Zúñiga de la Mora | Monterrey Data Science & Engineering 23/Sep/2017 @ Coworking Monterrey
Sesión educativa para explicar Spark Streaming y realizar un pequeño ejercicio con la API de Twitter