npm i
npm run dev
- load game assets
- create battle scene layout
- create dialog menu
- create option menu
- create monster attack move list
- handle player input
- code optimization - move logic to components
- create health component
- create background component
- create monster components
- adding basic attack logic
- taking damage and monster knock out
- battle state machine
- what is a finite state machine
- review the battle states and what each one represents
- implement each state
- add item, flee, and monster states
- player input improvements
- battle scene polish
- text animations
- monster animations
- skip animations
- attack animations
- scene transitions
- custom fonts
- load level background
- create player
- handle player input
- camera movement
- handle grid based movement
- handle collisions
- add wild monster encounter logic
- store player position in data manager
- Basic level design concepts
- Add collision layer
- Add custom types to Tiled
- Add game objects
- Add npcs
- Exporting level images and JSON
- add interactive game objects
- dialog ui component
- add npcs
- add npc dialog
- add npc movement
- create basic title screen
- add options menu
- save & loading options
- connecting option data to battle scene
- battle scene - health bar value when battle starts
- health bar - animation when value of delay is provided
- battle scene - at battle start player can provide input
- world scene - player movement, handle when only sprite direction changes
- using tweakpane for testing
- tweakpane basics
- positioning game objects
- monster attacks
- animations
- util function for moving game objects
- add game menu with option to save game
- update menu scene with continue option to load game
- on new game, we should reset the player data (pos, monsters, etc)
- create monster party scene
- allow player to select a monster in the scene
- create monster detail scene
- connect monster detail scene to monster party scene
- add game menu option for viewing monster party scene
- create class for items and inventory
- create ui screen for viewing items
- update menu to have view bag option
- update data manager to allow saving of inventory items
- update ui screen to allow player to use items
- using items
- running away
- enemy random attack
- player faint
- attacking order
- update data manager to persist monster data and current stats
- dynamic monster data based on player party and encounter
- adding background music
- adding battle music
- adding attack effects
- connecting audio options to settings
- advanced wild monster encounter logic
- buildings
- items in the field
- npc event data structure
- respawn next to npc
- review math for leveling and exp gain
- update monseters json file and types to include exp info
- add new assets for exp bar
- refactor hp bar into re-usable class
- update battle scene to display exp bar
- update monster details scene to display exp bar
- gain exp when battle is over
- add new battle state for tracking
- new leveling utils for updates
- update monster classes to support
- update battle menu ui to have wordwrap
- ball animations
- capture logic
- cutscenes
- in game events and tracking
- shops
- battle npcs
- monster encyclopedia
- monster league/gyms
- leveling & experience