Classes for generating Sepa XML files
// This is normally handled by my autoloader, but for
// example sake lets include here..
$SepaFile = new Sepa_DirectDebit();
// Unique identifier for this job
// Name of the party sending the job. Usually the creditor
$SepaFile->setInitiatingPartyName('Initiating party name');
// Your own unique identifier for this batch
// Account on which payment should be recieved
// Creditor Scheme Identification. This might differ per bank. Example is for Rabobank
$SepaFile->setCreditorId( Sepa_DirectDebit::calculateRabobankCreditorId('12345678','0000') );
// Date on which the job should be executed
// Add a transaction to the batch
->setEndToEndId('endtoend1') // Unique identifier
->setDebtorName('Damien Overeem')
->setTransactionDescription('Text about debit')
// Add another transaction to the batch
->setEndToEndId('endtoend2') // Unique identifier
->setDebtorName('Henk de Vries')
->setTransactionDescription('Text about debit')
* Generate the file and return the XML string in pretty format (using dom to format)
* To get the raw non-pretty version, just echo $SepaFile or $SepaFile->asXml()
$SimpleXml = new SimpleXmlElement($SepaFile);
$dom = dom_import_simplexml($SimpleXml)->ownerDocument;
$dom->formatOutput = true;
echo $dom->saveXML();