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A Complete Image Server Web App in partial fulfillment of level six at Ismt College under Advanced Cyber Security Course CET324, University of Sunderland. πŸ«πŸŽ“


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Image Server

"HTML" "Css" "Bootstrap" "JS" "Express" "Node" "NPM" "VUE" "SQLITE" "Markdown" "VSCode" "JSON"


Table of Contents

Students Declaration

Title Description
Programme Computer Systems Engineering
Module Name Advanced CyberSecurity
Module Code CET324
Assignment Two
Module Leader Mr. Binod Rimal
Batch 2021-2022
Student Name Dibesh Raj Subedi
Student ID 219327253


Image server is a web application created in completion of Advanced CyberSecurity module and part of second Assignment of the module. This web application is developed to provide a registration system and demonstrate a good security approach to avoid the security issues.


Produce a computer programme (in your choice of language) for a prototype system which illustrates appropriate design of security systems and the application of programming principles to cybersecurity applications.

Participating in online communities require users to register on the platform to create a user account. The registration process should be secure to protect user information. One of the steps often involves using captcha to validate that the request for registration is made by a human user rather a machine, e.g., bot.

You are required to produce a computer programme containing the following features as minimum:

  • A user interface to prompt a user to create an account by providing username and password.
  • Algorithmically determine the strength of the chosen password by the user.
  • Provides suitable feedback to user about the password strength. You should research password strength criteria and use your finding to help you with this task.
  • Implement a captcha function to determine that registration request is made by a human user. For this task, you should research different types of captcha and implement one type.

Your prototype and prototype design should illustrate and embed good secure system design and apply appropriate cybersecurity principles and techniques showing your understanding and knowledge of secure system design. Where appropriate, you should make use of robust policies and procedures for password – for example (but not limited to) frequency of change, strength of password, preventing repetition of passwords, use of encryption etc.


Setting up project is relatively easy if you have Node.js installed in your pc.

  1. Clone the repo or download the repo from
  2. Open terminal pointing to cloned directory and follow the Instructions section.


  1. Internet connection to download required packages.
  2. Node.js version 12.x.x or higher. (v14+ recommended)
  3. VisualStudio Code (VsCode) latest version.


I assume that the user has installed Node.js version 12.x.x or higher. (v14+ recommended) and the user has internet connection to download required packages. The user knows how to install Node.js version 12.x.x or higher if not installed. The user also have basic knowledge of how to use command line and VsCode.


Please use VisualStudio Code(VsCode) to have a better experience exploring files and all the documents of the project. Open the "" file in VsCode and use "ctrl+shift+v" command to have a better experience.


To run the project open your command line interface (CLI) and navigate to the current directory and observe whether the node_modules folder is created. If not then run the following command:

  npm run setup

This will install all the required packages. Now simply run another command to start the project:

  npm run prod

You would see your browser opening URL http://localhost:8080. If it does not check the terminal [CLI] which would show logs as shown in below.

> image_server@1.0.0 open:prod
> open-cli http://localhost:8080

 FileLogger: πŸ“‚ Directory created - file://E:/College/Advanced Cyber Security/ImageServer/logs
 FileLogger: πŸ“‚ Directory created - file://E:/College/Advanced Cyber Security/ImageServer/logs/all
 FileLogger: πŸ“„ File created - file://E:/College/Advanced Cyber Security/ImageServer/logs/all/all_01_20220703.log
 FileLogger: πŸ”§ Log file 'Server' setup complete.
 FileLogger: πŸ“‚ Directory created - file://E:/College/Advanced Cyber Security/ImageServer/logs/response
 FileLogger: πŸ“„ File created - file://E:/College/Advanced Cyber Security/ImageServer/logs/response/response_01_20220703.log
 FileLogger: πŸ”§ Log file 'Response' setup complete.
 FileLogger: πŸ“‚ Directory created - file://E:/College/Advanced Cyber Security/ImageServer/logs/request
 FileLogger: πŸ“„ File created - file://E:/College/Advanced Cyber Security/ImageServer/logs/request/request_01_20220703.log
 FileLogger: πŸ”§ Log file 'Request' setup complete.
 FileLogger: πŸ“‚ Directory created - file://E:/College/Advanced Cyber Security/ImageServer/logs/database
 FileLogger: πŸ“„ File created - file://E:/College/Advanced Cyber Security/ImageServer/logs/database/database_01_20220703.log
 FileLogger: πŸ”§ Log file 'SqlLite' setup complete.
 FileLogger: πŸ“‚ Directory created - file://E:/College/Advanced Cyber Security/ImageServer/logs/query
 FileLogger: πŸ“„ File created - file://E:/College/Advanced Cyber Security/ImageServer/logs/query/query_01_20220703.log
 FileLogger: πŸ”§ Log file 'SqlQueries' setup complete.
 SqlLite: πŸ“ Directory Created: E:\College\Advanced Cyber Security\ImageServer\database\SQLite
 FileLogger: πŸ”§ Log file 'Server' setup complete.
 Server: πŸ‘‚ Listening on PORT 8080, URL:http://localhost:8080
 SqlLite: 🌎 Database Connected : [ImageServer] at database/SQLite/ImageServer.db
Index->Database: Administrator Not Found.
Index->Database: Creating New Administrator.
Index: Administrator Created: "true".

Open your browser and open http://localhost:8080 URl and you are good to go.

Directory Structure

Folder Structure

  1. backend directory -> All the web/api controllers.
  2. configuration directory -> All the Configurations.
  3. database directory -> All the Scripts and Database files.
  4. documents directory -> All necessary images and documents.
  5. frontend directory -> Vue Js Codes fro frontend.
  6. library directory -> All custom written Codes
  7. logs directory -> All the logs generated by server.
  8. node_modules -> All the packages and dependencies.
  9. public -> Production Code generated by vue js.
  10. storage -> Image storage directory generated by server.
  11. template -> Html template for email.

index.js file is the initial file that server requires whereas cleanup.js file is used to remove create a fresh setup of project wiping all information in database as well as images stored in storage directory.

⚠️ Warning : Don't Run npm run clean or npm run setup unless you want a fresh setup.

Overwriting Configurations

⚠️ Warning: Don't Change PORT from configuration, which would create configuration chaos while running up server.

Open configuration\server.json and you would be prompted with following json object.

    "logger": {
        "enableLogger": true,
        "maxLogSize": 5,
        "logInConsole": false
    "server": {
        "PORT": 8080,
        "isHttp": true,
        "preventions": {
            "sqLInjection": true,
            "enableAccessControl": true,
            "enableReCaptcha": true,
            "logoutSessionHijack": true,
            "preventCsp": false,
            "limitRequest": {
                "state": false,
                "limit": {
                    "request": 2e2,
                    "periodInMs": 3e4
        "limit": {
            "register": {
                "requests": 3,
                "minutes": 10
            "login": {
                "requests": 5,
                "minutes": 10
            "image": {
                "requests": 3,
                "minutes": 10
        "expiry": {
            "password": {
                "renewalInMonths": 3,
                "resetExpireInMinute": 10
    "image": {
        "extensions": [
        "maxUploads": 10,
        "maxFileSize": 10485760,
        "storagePath": "storage/",
        "displayPath": "uploads/"
    "database": {
        "scriptName": "ImageServer"
    "mail": {
        "appName": "ImageServer",
        "from": "",
        "priority": "high",
        "port": 2525,
        "secure": false,
        "host": "",
        "auth": {
            "user": "e6290a30fab054",
            "pass": "a5328582691495"
    "reCaptcha": {
        "siteKey": "6Ldgc0cgAAAAAHjqNfj5q4qWUruiHOnlF_3iF37k",
        "secretKey": "6Ldgc0cgAAAAAIOayrU40OKE_GDJdzdKJjSJUtKV",
        "endPoints": [
    "jwt": {
        "secret": "jwtSecret@Image _Sever.2022",
        "expiry": "2h",
        "appliedEndPoints": [

This file stores all the configurations which helps to manage server. Let's have a look of individual section from the configuration.


The logger section has following configurations

"logger": {
        "enableLogger": true,
        "maxLogSize": 5,
        "logInConsole": false

enableLogger flag helps to enable/disable logger, whereas manLogSize set the maximum size of log file in mb it is default to 5mb meaning when file size exceeds 5mb it creates a new log file. logInConsole flag helps to enable/disable logging in console.


server section has following configurations

"server": {
        "PORT": 8080,
        "isHttp": true,
        "preventions": {
            "sqLInjection": true,
            "enableAccessControl": true,
            "enableReCaptcha": true,
            "logoutSessionHijack": true,
            "preventCsp": false,
            "limitRequest": {
                "state": false,
                "limit": {
                    "request": 2e2,
                    "periodInMs": 3e4
        "limit": {
            "register": {
                "requests": 3,
                "minutes": 10
            "login": {
                "requests": 5,
                "minutes": 10
            "image": {
                "requests": 3,
                "minutes": 10
        "expiry": {
            "password": {
                "renewalInMonths": 3,
                "resetExpireInMinute": 10

PORT is default to 8080 and don't change it, if you have port conflict the follow Resolve Port Conflict section. Don't change isHttp flag as well because https is not implemented yet. Other than these two config you can easily change any other configurations.

There ares preventions configurations where sqLInjection flag is used to determine whether to prevent from SQL Injection or not, similarly enableAccessControl determines access control of application. enableReCaptcha flag helps to prevent from frontend brute force attack similarly logoutSessionHijack flag keeps track of recent logout tokens and prevents from logout hijacking. preventCsp flag ensures Content Security Policies in headers and helps to prevent them, it is defaulted to false because enabling it would not allow captcha to inject js on dom. Similarly limitRequest determines number of requests to be allowed per window for specific time period. currently it it's state is false because it would limit request of overall application, better to keep it disabled.


limit section has following configurations

"limit": {
            "register": {
                "requests": 3,
                "minutes": 10
            "login": {
                "requests": 5,
                "minutes": 10
            "image": {
                "requests": 3,
                "minutes": 10

Limit section limits the max request per window until the request limit exceeds and prevents request after that till the set time is over.

For example when user hits register continuously of 3 times s/he would be able to create a new account but a 4th request within 10 would blocks them to create account for 10 minutes.

As shown in configuration register allows 3 request in 10 minutes, login allows 5 request in 10 minutes and image allows 3 request in 10 minutes.

πŸ““ Note: User is allowed to upload 10 images per request with max size of 10Mb per image, meaning a user can upload 30 images within 10 minutes only as per the configuration of limit and image.


expiry section has following configurations

"expiry": {
            "password": {
                "renewalInMonths": 3,
                "resetExpireInMinute": 10

The expiry section forces user to rest-password every 3 months based on renewalInMonths configuration whereas resetExpireInMinute determines to expire the reset link on email within 10 minutes.


image section has following configurations

"image": {
        "extensions": [
        "maxUploads": 10,
        "maxFileSize": 10485760,
        "storagePath": "storage/",
        "displayPath": "uploads/"

extensions array stores the list of extensions allowed to store in server storage directory, whereas maxUploads determines number of uploads per request and maxFileSize determines the max size of file in bytes that can be stored. storagePath determines where to store images from request and displayPath returns the path that is displayed as response from where the images would be fetched.


database section holds following configuration

"database": {
        "scriptName": "ImageServer"

scriptName in configuration determines the file name to search under database/Script/ directory to create a database based on that under database/SQLite/ directory along with the name that web server should look for while invoking database.


mail section holds following configurations

"mail": {
        "appName": "ImageServer",
        "from": "",
        "priority": "high",
        "port": 2525,
        "secure": false,
        "host": "",
        "auth": {
            "user": "e6290a30fab054",
            "pass": "a5328582691495"

appName in mail config determines the app sending email whereas from reveals the sender of email, priority determines the email priority, port determined port used to send email which is provided my mail client. secure flag is made for https mail and host is used determine which host is sending email. user and pass are the configuration provided by mail client to send email.

πŸ““ Note: The mail configuration is designed for mailtrap as temporary feature so you wont be able to receive the emails on defined mail address. Follow Setup Mailtrap to configure your own mailtrap for testing.


reCaptcha section holds following configuration

"reCaptcha": {
        "siteKey": "6Ldgc0cgAAAAAHjqNfj5q4qWUruiHOnlF_3iF37k",
        "secretKey": "6Ldgc0cgAAAAAIOayrU40OKE_GDJdzdKJjSJUtKV",
        "endPoints": [

siteKey in reCaptcha is used by frontend where as secretKey is used by backend to verify the captcha request. endPoints represents list of endPoints that gets verified for captcha. See Setup ReCaptcha section to set a reCaptcha.


jwt section holds following configuration

"jwt": {
        "secret": "jwtSecret@Image _Sever.2022",
        "expiry": "2h",
        "appliedEndPoints": [

secret in jwt config defines the secret key that will help to verify the token and expiry determines the expiry to token which is default to 2 hours, appliedEndPoints gets verified for jwt token when request is made.

πŸ““ Note: Make your you have a strong secret in jwt configuration.

Setup Mailtrap

Register to and Navigate to Click Add Inbox button Give Inbox Name and Click on Save Button. After you will see your inbox name in "My Inboxes" List, Click your inbox name and you would be prompted to SMTP Settings section where you would see Integrations change it to Node.Js - Nodemailer which should show something like.

var transport = nodemailer.createTransport({
  host: "",
  port: 2525,
  auth: {
    user: "aa81dfb7e7f19e",
    pass: "192f2cc77c47d8"

Open server.json from configuration/server.json and under mail section change user and pass from mailtrap config. Also change from if you want to in configuration/server.json. Thats it and don't forget restart the server. Checkout Restart Server if you want to know more.

Setup ReCaptcha

Navigate to and click v3 Admin Console which would redirect to admin console. Click on + icon and form appears, give a label and click reCaptcha v2 and select "I'm not a robot" tickbox add localhost and Accept the Accept the reCAPTCHA Terms of Service and click Submit which would give siteKey and secretKey. Open server.json from configuration/server.json and under reCaptcha section copy the SITE KEY to siteKey and SECRET KEY to secretKey. Open /frontend/src/store/index.js and copy SITE KEY to siteKey restart the server and that's it. Checkout Restart Server if you want to know more.

Development Configurations

While you are running server in development you need to server tow endpoints i.e for frontend and backend. In addition you would have http://localhost:8080/docs endpoint where SWAGGER is configured for testing API endpoints. This endpoint is only accessible on development mode.

Frontend Configurations

To server frontend on development mode run following command on separate terminal.

npm run dev:frontend

This should open your browser with url http://locahgost:8079 where your UI is served.

πŸ““ Note: Make sure your development backend server is also running to make API calls

Backend Configurations

To server backend on development mode run following command on separate terminal.

npm run dev:backend

This should open your browser with url http://localhost:8080/docs where you can test API endpoints.

πŸ““ Note: The public directory on root will be deleted wile serving backend on development mode and storage and logs directory will be deleted along with wiping the database.

To avoid db and file wipe up open index.js on root directory and comment line 19 and 21 which has following codes.

if (process.env.WORK_ENV.includes('development')) {
    log(`Index: Working on Development Mode.`);
    log(`Index->Library: Library imported "${Object.keys(Library).toString().replace(/,/g, ", ")}" classes.`)
    // Deleting Directories On Each Start
    const Directories =
            "./database/SQLite", // <--Comment this Line
            "./storage" // <--Comment this Line
    Directories.forEach(directory => {
        if (Library.File.FileSystem.dir_exists(directory)) {
            log(`Index->Library->File: Deleting "${directory}" directory.`);
            Library.File.FileSystem.delete_dir(directory, true, true);

Development Feature

While you are serving project you need two terminals 1 for frontend and 1 for backend, To reduce this problem anew command is introduced which runs the both frontend and backend concurrently.

npm run dev

The following command will run both frontend and backend which will open http://localhost:8080/docs and http://locahgost:8079 url in your browser.

Restart Server

Restarting server in production mode is easy you can run.

npm run prod:backend

to run backend without recompiling frontend or you can.

npm run prod

which recompile the frontend and then runs the backend

Resolve PORT Conflict

When you see following message in console it means a PORT conflict has arise.

      throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

Error: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::8080
    at Server.setupListenHandle [as _listen2] (node:net:1319:16)
    at listenInCluster (node:net:1367:12)
    at Server.listen (node:net:1454:7)
    at Function.listen (E:\College\Advanced Cyber Security\ImageServer\node_modules\express\lib\application.js:635:24)
    at Server.#listenHttp (E:\College\Advanced Cyber Security\ImageServer\library\server\
    at Server.setupHTTP (E:\College\Advanced Cyber Security\ImageServer\library\server\
    at Server.setUpServer (E:\College\Advanced Cyber Security\ImageServer\library\server\
    at Object.<anonymous> (E:\College\Advanced Cyber Security\ImageServer\index.js:85:6)
    at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1101:14)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1153:10)
Emitted 'error' event on Server instance at:
    at emitErrorNT (node:net:1346:8)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21) {
  code: 'EADDRINUSE',
  errno: -4091,
  syscall: 'listen',
  address: '::',
  port: 8080

To Fix this issue we have different solution as per the operating system.


Find PID using following command

lsof -i TCP:8080 | grep LISTEN

It would result in something like

node    2464 user   21u  IPv6 4392639      0t0  TCP *:http-alt

The Second colum after node is PID, kill the PID using following command

kill -9 2464


Find the PID using following command

netstat -ano | findstr :8080

WHich would return something like

 TCP               LISTENING       24552
 TCP    [::]:8080              [::]:0                 LISTENING       24552

Kill the PID at last after LISTENING using following command

taskkill /PID 24552 /F

Application Demonstration

You can visit to see the application demonstration.


If you have any issues please contact me at:

Email : LinkedIn :


Checkout for any issues or to fill an issue.


  1. OWASP - SQL Injection
  2. Synk - SQL Injection Cheat Sheet
  3. Murarinayak - Resolve PORT on Use


A Complete Image Server Web App in partial fulfillment of level six at Ismt College under Advanced Cyber Security Course CET324, University of Sunderland. πŸ«πŸŽ“







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