An improved variety of a Maven Java project archetype. Extra fluffy ❤
Contains defaults for often used maven properties and common test dependencies, e. g. JUnit & AssertJ.
The latest release version always tries to include the latest versions of all used dependencies and plugins.
Projects created with this archetype will also contain reasonable default configuration for your favorit IDE. Have a look at the directory ide_setup
for details.
Note: JDK >=17 is required for the build.
mvn clean install
When building with older Maven versions (looking at you, 3.3.9), make sure to activate the corresponding profile:
mvn clean install -Pmvn33
This is required, because Maven switched from Eclipse Aether to Maven Artifact Resolver since 3.5.0.
Generate a new project with this command:
mvn archetype:generate -B -DarchetypeGroupId=com.itemis -DarchetypeArtifactId=fluffyj.archetype -DarchetypeVersion=1.18.0 -Dversion=1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Build the created project with mvn clean install
. When building with Maven < 3.5.0, you need to activate the appropriate profile: mvn clean install -Pmvn33
The latest snapshot lives on the develop
branch. The latest release lives on the main
branch. A tag will be created for every release.