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IMAS Data Dictionary

The Data Dictionary is the implementation of the Data Model of ITER's Integrated Modelling & Analysis Suite (IMAS). It describes the structuring and naming of data (as a set of Interface Data Structures or IDSs) being used for both simulated and experimental data in a machine agnostic manner.


It's possible to install the Data Dictionary within a Python environment.

Prerequisite : A Python interpreter is all you need

git clone
cd imas-data-dictionary
pip install . [--user]

After the install, you will get a directory with the version/tag information prefixed with dd_ e.g. dd_4.0.0. It has an include directory with a few XML files (IDSdef.xml is the main source of information for the definition of IDSs and *_indentifier.xml are listing common identifiers) and a share directory with html documentation.

Documentation (Sphinx)

The documentation is generated by Sphinx and is available here. Note that for generating the IDS Migration guide section you will need imas-python installed as a prerequisite. You can generate and install this documentation with the following steps:

pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
pip install .

After this step you can open the documentation pages via the dd_doc command (or the dd_doclegacy for the simpler static html version).

idsinfo tool

The installation also provides a small utility script in Python which can be used from the command line to obtain some information from the installed Data Dictionary. Type idsinfo -h for more info on this tool's options.


As it is generic and machine agnostic by design, the IMAS Data Model, and by extension its implementation as the Data Dictionary, have the potential to serve as a data standard for the fusion community. As such, it benefits from the wide involvement of specialists and active users and developers in the various areas being described. If you want to contribute to the improvement of the Data Dictionary, either as a developer, a specific system/area specialist or an occasional user providing feedback, please see the contributing guidelines.


Copyright 2012-2024, ITER Organization, Route de Vinon-sur-Verdon, CS 90 046, 13067 St-Paul-lez-Durance Cedex, France.

This repository contains data schemas and software that are subject to different licenses:

  • The data schemas are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noderivatives 4.0 International License (CC-BY-ND 4.0) which permits use and distribution as long as appropriate credit is given to the original source, but does not permit adaptations, as the main goal of these schemas is to serve as a standard for the community. Details can be found in LICENSE-CC-BY-ND.

  • The software is licensed under the LGPLv3 License which allows for extensive freedom in using, modifying, and distributing it, provided that the license terms are met. Details can be found in LICENSE-LGPL.