This is a simple chat application built using ReactJS and totally secured with Type for the frontend and Express.js with for the backend, following an MVC (Model-View-Controller) approach. It allows users to send chat messages in real-time, like messages, use emojis, and mention other users.
- Technologies Used
- Basic Task
- Images
- Installation
- Usage
- Features
- Project Structure
- Technologies Used
- Author
- ReactJS
- TypeScript
- Express.js
- (for WebSocket communication, optional)
This chat app is a single-page application with the following features:
- A textbox for typing messages.
- A send button to send the chat message.
- Display of chat messages above the textbox.
- Each message is assigned a random username from a predefined list: ["Alan", "Bob", "Carol", "Dean", "Elin"].
- A like button for each message that, when clicked, increases the like count displayed next to the button.
- Fully Responsive for all the different screen sizes.
- Emoji options for chat messages.
- Mentions (@) feature that shows a list of users from the user list when '@' is clicked.
- WebSocket ( server implemented using Express.js for real-time communication between clients.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the frontend directory:
cd your-chat-app/frontend
- Install frontend dependencies:
npm install
- Navigate to the backend directory:
cd ../backend
- Install backend dependencies:
npm install
- Change the Link of frontend which is present in index.js to frontend localhostport.
- Change the frontend/.env variable VITE_APP_URL to backend localhost port.
- Start the frontend development server:
cd frontend && npm start
- Start the backend server:
cd ../backend && npm start
- Open your web browser and go to the provided localhost port to use the chat app.
- Type messages in the input box, click the send button to send messages, and click the like button to like messages.
- For emoji options, use the provided interface.
- For mentions, type '@' and a list of users will be displayed for selection.
- Real-time chat messaging.
- Random assignment of usernames.
- Like button for each message.
- Emoji support.
- Mentions feature.
- WebSocket server for real-time communication.
- frontend/: Contains the ReactJS frontend code.
- backend/: Contains the Express.js backend code following the MVC pattern.
- Akash Kumar Singh
- GitHub: itsAkash12