~ / [itsN1X
] / 8621_infty_die
A degenerate gamblers' TTD calculator.
Version :
Codename : Helium
Extra information
This web-application is also usable offline (without internet).
To download a copy, try one of these:
- See our Releases for latest versions for download.
- Download .zip file. (compressed format)
- View the source. (HTML format)
- Fork+Clone our repository locally from github.
- Move in to desired location on your system:
cd ../your/folder/for/this/app
- Clone our App to the computer (or smartphone):
git clone github.com/itsN1X/8621_infty_die.git
- Move in to desired location on your system:
- cURL your way to our (raw) App:
curl -X GET "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/itsN1X/8621_infty_die/master/docs/index.html"
- Now you can just open it with your favourite browser.
- Works Offline too!
- Needs JavaScript to be enabled.
Alternatively, this Application is available online too!
Important note:
We use javaScript for the back-end calculations.
- If you (too) hate this strain of Technology, there also exists a python implementaion written by us, specially for you!
Kindly look (or clone) into our python repository and get the g.py program.
Thank you
(For letting us serve you.)
- We offer this service free-of-cost to our end users.
- Also, we do not collect any user data, nor do we store cookies anywhere.
- Furthermore, we do not (nor allow anyone to) track your usage of App or Website.
- No analytics on user-behavoiur.
- No advertisements or shills of any kind.
To buy the makers of this software some fresh, Sliced Bread, consider donating via PayPal.me/itsN1X or ✨cryptocurrencies.
bitcoin: 1TsNiXCQkPKaB6zfDQQXAwMBfe12ySoKa
dogecoin: DFTEuCkJwX3Djh1EMT4XNK6a6NixxrMfhx
Ether: 0xD0f79B71A8ffB7f70392630f8BFc900fcA27af42