This a Python-based chess engine for our PWS.
This chess engine is Lisa Vrins, Kuno Zeldenrust and Anbiya Popal's PWS (profielwerkstsuk) project. We've chosen Python as our language because it is convenient to explain algorithms in our report.
Sero is latin for 'too late'. The chess engine is relatively slow, so we've chosen 'Sero' to name the engine.
Chess engine that uses MiniMax with alpha-beta pruning
Capable searching at depth 4 in ±1 minute
Python arcade GUI to play chess or debug chess-related code
To play the chess engine, you need to have arcade
and rich
To install these, run the following:
pip install arcade
pip install rich
Then, run the file with the following command and paramenters:
python src/ [mode] [white player] [black player] -d [depth]
For the player type, use 'player' or 'computer'. The depth field is irrelevant when two players are playing against eachother.