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Releases: itsjesski/firebot-rpg


22 Oct 05:58
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  • Fixes and issue with the !rpg stats command. It will no longer show the enchantment stats for the main hand regardless of which slot you're checking.


20 Oct 14:42
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  • Fixed an issue where the game would sometimes stop working for people while trying to get data about their items. This mainly affected new users and would result in the bot just not responding to some of their commands.

Known Issues:
There is a known issue with users who change their names. Firebot is unable to find the user information and the RPG will stop functioning for them. This is a Firebot issue and not an RPG issue.


08 Oct 02:23
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Version 1 Release!

The game has overall been pretty stable and I feel like it's in a good condition to do a 1.0 release. The biggest issues I've seen has been with combat performance as well as armor and AC value being too powerful. This update should address both of those things. Long drawn out combat will start to wear down participants and magic will now hit armored users more regularly for more damage.

Balance Changes:

  • Adjusted spells so that they no longer go against AC to hit. Instead, the defender will need to roll 1d20+int bonus against a spell DC of 8+attacker int bonus. This should make spells more viable and put them more in line with regular D&D.
  • Changed d3 dmg on spells to d4.
  • Slightly lowered built in elemental damage for all spells to account for hitting more often.
  • Lowered max range of spells to 200.
  • Lowered max range of ranged weapons to 400.


  • Added "guild difficulty level" settings. You can now adjust what guild level is needed to get harder difficulty jobs.
  • Added text to show how many turns a combat took to complete.
  • Added building levels to !rpg world.
  • Added enchantment stats to !rpg stats command, so now people can see how many enchantments of each element are on items.
  • Added ability to unequip items.


  • Improved combat performance, so less calls to the DB are needed for combat.
  • Improvements to performance on a variety of commands.
  • Fixed a few instances of incorrect text on error messages.
  • Fixed infinite fight (The DrDeath Bug) issue, where both combatants had such high AC they could never hit. This resulted in an infinite loop that would lock up Firebot. Now, for every round after round 10, combatants will get tired. This lowers their AC and resistances by 10% per round. It will lower all the way down to zero, at which point both combatants will always hit each other.

v1.0.0-Beta 4

08 Sep 03:54
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v1.0.0-Beta 4 Pre-release


  • Fixed issue where cost and stat limit of training did not account for the starting stats being at 10.

V1.0.0-Beta 3

08 Sep 03:14
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V1.0.0-Beta 3 Pre-release


  • Fixed some of the helpful text for stats and equip commands.
  • Created a !rpg stats character command to see character stats, that way !rpg stats would give helpful text on what is available.
  • Fixed helpful text for duels to make it more obvious how to start and accept those.


  • Added some more research generating easy quests.

v1.0.0-Beta 2

04 Sep 23:13
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v1.0.0-Beta 2 Pre-release


  • Fixed duel challenges not going through in some cases.

v1.0.0-Beta 1

04 Sep 06:48
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v1.0.0-Beta 1 Pre-release


  • Fixed an issue where duels were grabbing the wrong argument for usernames.
  • Added spells to the getEnchantmentName function, so spells should be properly labeled by their enchantments.


  • Strip @ symbol if it is used for the dueling username.

How to install
Report Issues Here


03 Sep 18:09
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v1.0.0-Beta Pre-release

This is an early access version of Firebot RPG. There may be bugs, issues, and balance problems. I've done my best to put a large variety of settings in the game so that you can tweak the balance how you like. For bugs and issues, please use the github issues tab at the top to report them.

How to install
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