some kind of useful functions that arent in spwn v.0.7 and under
- pseudo random number generator
- some math functions such as clamp
, lerp
, round
(which can also round with decimals) and others
- generates a 1d terrain using sine and lerp functions (also outputs the raw points without any interpolation for later modifications)
- adds blocks in bulk which will probably recieve more updates later @number = 2^32)
- returns the next random integer
random.next_float(accuracy: @number = 2^32)
- returns the next random float
random.set_seed(seed: @number)
- sets the seed to the recieved arg
- returns the current seed
math.clamp(number: @number, min: @number = 0, max: @number = 1)
- clamps the given number between 2 values
math.wrap(number: @number, min: @number = 0, max: @number = 1)
- wraps the given number between 2 values
math.lerp(a: @number, b: @number, f: @number = 0.5)
- gets the value(f) between 2 numbers (a,b) (linear interpolation)
math.cerp(y0: @number, y1: @number, y2: @number, y3: @number, mul: @number = 1)
- idk how it works you can search it on google (cubic interpolation)
math.round(number: @number, decimal_places: @number = 0)
- like the normal round function but it can also round to decimal places
sine_terrain(seed: @number, res: @number, intensity: @number = 2, lerpamt: @number = 8)
- generates a 1d terrain using sine and lerp functions (also outputs the raw points without any interpolation for later modifications)
bulk_objects(array: @array, start_x: @number = 0, start_y: @number = 0, obj_id: @number = 1)
- adds blocks in bulk which will probably recieve more updates later (array structure is literally just the y position of the block, example: [0,0,0,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,0]
cringe ikr)