All the below files crawl data from fiverr and store it in a json format. The below files also contained the code to push the json files into a mongo database from where it is easy to perform operations. There are different templates of web for different categories of fiverr and hence, different files.
This crawler was used for Programming and Tech category and other
This crawler is used for extracting information out of Advertising, Business and other similar categories. You will be able to recognise the categories if you will have a look into
This crawler was used for 'Others'
This code is used to convert the dataset into LIWC understandable format.
This script checks for existence of multiple reviews made by a single user on a particular gig. It runs on the existing collection of gigs and creates a new collection which gives the gig-wise data on the number of reviews made by each user that has purchased the gig. It also stores the actual message present in those
This script works on the collection made by the above file and finds out statistical data like the "Average Number of reviews given by a single user per gig" and "Average number of users making multiple reviews per gig".
Performs sentiment analysis on the reviews of the gigs using Senti Word Net lexicon. Modifies the gig json to add the new positive, negative and objective scores.
Implementation of the heterogenous review graph framework for spammer detection as suggested in [this paper] (
Plots of 'fraction of gigs vs reviews'(linear and log-log), 'fraction of gigs vs rating'(linear and log-log), 'category-wise representation of average reviews, ratings and favourite count'
Plots of 'fraction of gigs vs positive score'
Plots of ''fraction of gigs vs negative score'.
- After processing with
get the LIWC scores and then
will give all the value vs frequency in log-log scale in the same directory where it was run from.
Makes a word-cloud of all the words used in the product reviews given in the file specified.