This project aims at segmenting lesions in the Spinal Cord on MRI images. The main idea consists in training model on healthy patients that is able to recover the initial image after degradation. Then using it on images with lesions and segment the lesion based on the differences between original and recovered image.
This branch is extensively based on Medical Diffusion, which is the official implementaion of Original paper : "Medical Diffusion: Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models for 3D Medical Image Synthesis". It aditionnaly features :
- BIDS datasets support
- Automatically browse into images
- Can select given contrasts
- Can join derivative files to the main image
- Can select images with given derivative available
- GPU memory optimisation trick
- Allow user to split VQ-GAN decoding in order to extend maximum image size.
- T2I-Adapater implementation
- Train and use T2I-Adapters (adapted from T2I-Adapater)
- Allow diffusion control from BIDS derivatives after appropriate training
- Lesion segmentation by Counterfactual Synthesis
- Image-to-Image with monitorable noising strengh
- Analyse differences to extract lesion segmentation
This code has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04 and an NVIDIA Quadro RTX 6000 and NVIDIA RTX 6000 GPUs. Furthermore it was developed using Python v3.8.
In order to run our model, we suggest you create a virtual environment
conda create -n medicaldiffusion python=3.8
and activate it with
conda activate medicaldiffusion
Subsequently, download and install the required libraries by running
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you have a dataset that follow the BIDS standard, you can use the BIDSDataset class to load your data. It will automatically select all the nifti files in the "sub-##" folders with the given contrasts.
The file "dataset/" can be modified to manage image shape and data augmentation transforms
All you need to do now is just specify the path to this root directory the way we have dealt with it before, i.e.,
To train the VQ-GAN that create the latent space in which the diffusion will take place, you need to run the following command :
PL_TORCH_DISTRIBUTED_BACKEND=gloo python train/ dataset=bids dataset.root_dir=<ROOT_DIRECTORY> dataset.is_VQGAN=True dataset.contrasts=[<DESIRED_CONTRATS>] dataset.derivatives=False model=vq_gan_3d model.default_root_dir=<RESULT_FOLDER> model.gpus=1 model.default_root_dir_postfix='own_dataset' model.precision=16 model.embedding_dim=8 model.n_hiddens=16 model.downsample=[2,2,2] model.num_workers=32 model.gradient_clip_val=1.0 model.discriminator_iter_start=10000 model.perceptual_weight=4 model.image_gan_weight=1 model.video_gan_weight=1 model.gan_feat_weight=4 model.batch_size=1 model.n_codes=16384 model.accumulate_grad_batches=1 model.decoding_diviser=1
Note that since "max_epochs" is set to '-1' in "config/model/vq_gan_3D.yaml", the training will go forever unless it's manually stopped. Considerer modifying the config file if you don't want this behaviour.
Note that you can use multiple GPUs with model.gpus=nb_of_desired_GPUS as long as allowed be availability.
The VQ-GAN purpose is to lower the input dimension of the diffusion model in itself in order to lower the memory requirement. One can monitor the compression rate accross all three dimensions with "model.downsample=[2,2,2]". The more compressed, the lower the memory requirement at the cost of output quality.
In some case, the VQGAN decoder VRAM requirements bottle-necks the input image shape. in this scenario, one can use "model.decoding_diviser=2n+1" with n a positive integer. It will divide the decoding step into as many steps as indicated in order to save VRAM. It's important to correctly configure the VQ-GAN preprocessing in "dataset/" for training with an input image shape suitable for a single decoding step: [image_shape[0]/(n+1), image_shape[1], image_shape[2]]. Indeed, this feature can only be used at inference time.
Exemple : If one wants to train their diffusion model with 32 * 256 * 256 input images. One can set "model.decoding_diviser=2*1+1=3" and train their VQGAN with 32/(1+1)=16 * 256 * 256 input images and avoid the VQGAN bottle-neck.
To train the diffusion model in the latent space of the previously trained VQ-GAN model, you need to run the following command :
python train/ model=ddpm dataset=bids dataset.root_dir=<ROOT_DIRECTORY> dataset.contrasts=[<DESIRED_CONTRATS>] dataset.derivatives=False model.results_folder=<DESIRED_RESULT_FOLDER> model.results_folder_postfix='own_dataset' model.vqgan_ckpt=<VQGAN_CHECKPOINT> model.diffusion_img_size=128 model.diffusion_depth_size=16 model.diffusion_num_channels=8 model.dim_mults=[1,2,4,8] model.batch_size=1 model.gpu_id=0
Where you again need to specify the path to the VQ-GAN checkpoint previously trained.
You should as well make sure to specify the shape you wish to center crop/pad your images to : (vqgan.downsample[0] * diffusion_depth_size, vqgan.downsample[1] * model.diffusion_img_size, vqgan.downsample[2] * model.diffusion_img_size)
To train the T2I-Adapter model that add a control channel to the pre-trained diffusion model, you need to run the following command :
python train/ model=T2I dataset=bids dataset.root_dir=<INSERT_PATH_TO_ROOT_DIRECTORY> dataset.contrasts=[<DESIRED_CONTRATS>] dataset.derivatives=True dataset.mandatory_derivatives=[control_derivative,...] model.results_folder=<DESIRED_RESULT_FOLDER> model.results_folder_postfix='own-dataset' model.vqgan_ckpt=<VQGAN_CHECKPOINT> model.diffusion_pt=<DDPM_CHECKPOINT> model.diffusion_img_size=128 model.diffusion_depth_size=16 model.diffusion_num_channels=8 model.dim_mults=[1,2,4,8] model.batch_size=1 model.gpu_id=0
To simpify the data-loading for your own dataset, the medical-diffusion provides a default dataset that simply requires the path to the folder with your NifTI images inside, i.e.
root_dir/ # Path to the folder that contains the images
├── img1.nii # The name of the NifTI file is not important
├── img2.nii
├── img3.nii
├── ...
The file "dataset/" can be modified to manage image shape and data augmentation transforms
The commands to launch VQGAN training becomes :
PL_TORCH_DISTRIBUTED_BACKEND=gloo python train/ dataset=default dataset.root_dir=<ROOT_DIRECTORY> model=vq_gan_3d model.default_root_dir=<RESULT_FOLDER> model.gpus=1 model.default_root_dir_postfix='own_dataset' model.precision=16 model.embedding_dim=8 model.n_hiddens=16 model.downsample=[2,2,2] model.num_workers=32 model.gradient_clip_val=1.0 model.discriminator_iter_start=10000 model.perceptual_weight=4 model.image_gan_weight=1 model.video_gan_weight=1 model.gan_feat_weight=4 model.batch_size=1 model.n_codes=16384 model.accumulate_grad_batches=1 model.decoding_diviser=3
And the difussion model's becomes :
python train/ model=ddpm dataset=default dataset.root_dir=<ROOT_DIRECTORY> model.results_folder=<DESIRED_RESULT_FOLDER> model.results_folder_postfix='own_dataset' model.vqgan_ckpt=<VQGAN_CHECKPOINT> model.diffusion_img_size=128 model.diffusion_depth_size=16 model.diffusion_num_channels=8 model.dim_mults=[1,2,4,8] model.batch_size=1 model.gpu_id=0
Note that such dataset cannot take advantage of contrasts or derivative information so T2I cannot be trained with unbidsified data just yet.
This code is heavily build on the following repositories: