Brute force subdomains in multiple smaller iterations. Based on DNSRecon.
Script will split a wordlist into multiple smaller chunks and run each chunk through DNSRecon.
You can easily cancel brute forcing and continue later.
Tested on Kali Linux v2023.1 (64-bit).
Made for educational purposes. I hope it will help!
Open your preferred console from /src/ and run the commands shown below.
Install required packages:
apt-get -y install bc jq dnsrecon
Change file permissions:
chmod +x
Run the script:
Use DNSRecon v1.1.0 for best results.
If you want to run DNSRecon as a Python3 script, replace dnsrecon
with e.g. python3 /root/Desktop/dnsrecon-0.10.0/
The tool will do this for you.
Extract name servers from the results:
for file in dnsrecon_chunked/*_chunked.json; do jq -r '.[] | if (.type == "NS") then (.target) else (empty) end | select(. != null)' "${file}"; done | sort -u -f | tee -a ns.txt
Extract exchange servers from the results:
for file in dnsrecon_chunked/*_chunked.json; do jq -r '.[] | if (.type == "MX") then (.exchange) else (empty) end | select(. != null)' "${file}"; done | sort -u -f | tee -a mx.txt
Extract hosts from the results:
for file in dnsrecon_chunked/*_chunked.json; do jq -r '.[] | if (.type == "A" or .type == "AAAA" or .type == "CNAME" or .type == "PTR" or .type == "NS" or .type == "MX") then (.name, .target, .exchange) else (empty) end | select(. != null)' "${file}"; done | sort -u -f | tee -a subdomains.txt
Extract IPs from the results:
for file in dnsrecon_chunked/*_chunked.json; do jq -r '.[] | if (.type == "A" or .type == "CNAME" or .type == "PTR" or .type == "NS" or .type == "MX") then (.address) else (empty) end | select(. != null)' "${file}"; done | sort -u -f | tee -a ips.txt
Extract canonical names for a subdomain takeover vulnerability from the results:
for file in dnsrecon_chunked/*_chunked.json; do jq -r '.[] | if (.type == "CNAME") then (.target) else (empty) end | select(. != null)' "${file}"; done | sort -u -f | tee -a cnames.txt
P.S. You can find subdomains-top1mil.txt
wordlist located at /usr/share/dnsrecon/
DNSRecon Chunked v3.0 ( )
--- Brute force subdomains ---
Usage: ./ -d domain -f file [-s size] [-w wildcards ]
Example: ./ -d -f subdomains-top1mil.txt [-s 2000] [-w wildcard_ips.txt]
--- Continue where you left off ---
Usage: ./ -c continue
Example: ./ -c yes
Brute force subdomains in multiple smaller iterations
Domain to brute force
-d <domain> - | etc.
File with subdomains to use
-f <file> - subdomains-top1mil.txt | etc.
Maximum number of lines for each file chunk
Default: 1000
-s <size> - 2000 | etc.
File with wildcard IPs to filter out subdomains
Sometimes DNSRecon fails to filter multiple different wildcard IPs
-w <wildcards> - wildcard_ips.txt | etc.
Continue where you left off
-c <continue> - yes