…tructorBuilder.cs` file and modifications to the `CsPlainSourceBuilder.cs` file. The new file contains the `CsPlainConstructorBuilder` class, which is used to build constructors for classes. The `CsPlainSourceBuilder.cs` file was updated to use this new class, specifically the `Create` method, to add constructors to the source code. Additionally, the `Arrays.cs` file was updated with a new method for creating and initializing arrays, and the `PlainersSwappingTests.cs` file had code for initializing an array commented out.
1. Addition of `CsPlainConstructorBuilder.cs` file: This new file contains the `CsPlainConstructorBuilder` class, which is used to build constructors for classes. It implements the `ICombinedThreeVisitor` interface and contains methods for creating different types of declarations and adding them to the source code. It also contains a `Create` method which is used to create a new instance of the `CsPlainConstructorBuilder` class and add the constructor to the source code.
2. Modification of `CsPlainSourceBuilder.cs` file: The `using AXSharp.Compiler.Cs.Onliner;` directive was added to allow the `CsPlainSourceBuilder` class to use the `CsPlainConstructorBuilder` class. The `CsPlainConstructorBuilder.Create` method was added to the `CreateClassDeclaration` method, creating a new instance of the `CsPlainConstructorBuilder` class and adding the constructor to the source code.
3. Addition of `InstantiateArray` method in `Arrays.cs` file: This new method is used to create a new array and initialize it with a specified initializer function and array bounds.
4. Commenting out of array initialization in `PlainersSwappingTests.cs` file: The code for initializing the `ArrayOfDrives` array was commented out, suggesting that the array is now being initialized elsewhere, possibly in the constructor of the `p` object.