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Repository files navigation


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Easy to navigate using navigation box.

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  • Clone the repo.
  • Add and initialize your firebase configuration.
  • Create a firestore collection > document > array( Questions answers ) as the one given below.
  • Edit pullTestQuestions function in Test.js file with your own collection and document name.
  • Run npm install in root directory.
  • Run npm start.


Collection>Document>Array(as given below)

0: {answer2: "United States Of America", answer1: "Russia", answer3: "United Kingdom", question: "Which was the first country to launch Artificial satellite in the space?", answer4: "Germany"}
1: {answer4: "Vatican City", answer2: "Monaco", answer1: "Singapore", question: "What is the smallest country in the world?", answer3: "Liechtenstein"}
2: {question: "Which is the highest mountain peak in the world?", answer2: "Mount Fiji", answer3: "Mount Everest", answer1: "Alps", answer4: "K2"}
3: {answer1: "Sparrow", question: "Which is the smallest bird in the world?", answer2: "Humming Bird", answer4: "Canary", answer3: "Finch"}
4: {answer2: "United States of America", answer3: "United Kingdom", question: "Which is the first country to host the modern Olympics ?", answer4: "Ireland", answer1: "Greece"}
5: {answer1: "North America", answer2: "Europe", answer4: "Asia", answer3: "Australia", question: "Which is the smallest continent in the world?"}
6: {answer4: "Blue Whale", answer1: "Manatee", answer2: "Killer Whale", answer3: "Seal", question: "Which is the world’s biggest sea animal?"}
7: {answer3: "India", answer2: "Russia", answer1: "China", question: "Which was the first country to send man to the moon?", answer4: "United States of America"}
8: {answer4: "China", question: "Which is the first country to print book?", answer3: "India", answer1: "France", answer2: "United Kingdom"}
9: {answer1: "Empire State Building", answer2: "Burj Khalifa", answer3: "Shanghai Tower", answer4: "Taipei 101", question: "Tallest building in the world as of now?"}