- All about the Course
- Course Contents and Benifits
- C++ should be prefered for CP
- Both Java and C++ has its own Advantages
- How to find problems
- Order of problems
- What to do if you get stuck
- Best practices to find solutions
- How to balance it with development
- And share some resources for your interviews!
- Procedural vs Functional vs Object Oriented Languages
- Static vs Dynamic memory allocation
- Objects and references
- In this video, we discuss the flow of the program. Giving you insights about how to visualise your algorithms using flowcharts and turn them into pseudocode.
- We cover concepts like if conditions, loops, and also learn how to find whether a number is prime or not in an efficient way.
- In this video we learn about the fundamentals of Java. How it works, the architecture, code execution, every single step in detail. We also cover the installation of tools that are required to write code in Java.
- In this video we run our first Java program from scratch, providing a hands on demo of every step. We cover input and output in Java, data types, type conversion and casting, debugging, control flow, loops, and also solve a few problems.
- In this video, we discuss conditionals and loops in Java. We cover if-else statements, adding multiple checks, for, while, do-while loops.
- In addition to this, we also cover some questions to apply things into practice, and also create a calculator program.