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The main goal of this repository is to rewrite the object detection pipeline with a better code structure for better portability and adaptability to apply new experimental methods. The object detection pipeline is based on Ultralytics YOLOv5.

What's inside of this repository

  1. YOLOv5 based portable model (model built with kindle)
  2. Model conversion (TorchScript, ONNX, TensorRT) support
  3. Tensor decomposition model with pruning optimization
  4. Stochastic Weight Averaging(SWA) support
  5. Auto search for NMS parameter optimization
  6. W&B support with model save and load functionality
  7. Representative Learning (Experimental)
  8. Distillation via soft teacher method (Experimental)
  9. C++ inference (WIP)
  10. AutoML - searching efficient architecture for the given dataset(incoming!)

Table of Contents

How to start


Using conda environment

git clone
cd AYolov2
./ init
# Equivalent to
# conda env create -f environment.yml
# pre-commit install --hook-type pre-commit --hook-type pre-push

Using docker

Building a docker image

./ build
# You can add build options
# ./ build --no-cache

Running the container

This will mount current repository directory from local disk to docker image

./ run
# You can add running options
# ./ run -v $DATASET_PATH:/home/user/dataset

Executing the last running container

./ exec
Train a model
  • Example

    python3 --model $MODEL_CONFIG_PATH --data $DATA_CONFIG_PATH --cfg $TRAIN_CONFIG_PATH
    # i.e.
    # python3 --model res/configs/model/yolov5s.yaml --data res/configs/data/coco.yaml --cfg res/configs/cfg/train_config.yaml
    # Logging and upload trained weights to W&B
    # python3 --model res/configs/model/yolov5s.yaml --wlog --wlog_name yolov5s
    Prepare dataset
    • Dataset config file
    train_path: "DATASET_ROOT/images/train"
    val_path: "DATASET_ROOT/images/val"
    # Classes
    nc: 10  # number of classes
    dataset: "DATASET_NAME"
    names: ['person', 'bicycle', 'car', 'motorcycle', 'airplane', 'bus', 'train', 'truck', 'boat', 'traffic light']  # class names
    • Dataset directory structure
      • One of labels or segments directory must exist.
      • Training label type(labels or segments) will be specified in the training config.
      • images and labels or segments must have a matching filename with .txt extension.
    ├── images
    │   ├── train
    │   └── val
    ├── labels
    │   ├── train
    │   └── val
    ├── segments
    │   ├── train
    │   └── val
    Training config
    • Default training configurations are defined in train_config.yaml.
    • You may want to change batch_size, epochs, device, workers, label_type along with your model, dataset, and training hardware.
    • Be cautious to change other parameters. It may affect training results.
    Model config
    Multi-GPU training
    • Please use module for multi-GPU Training
    python3 -m --nproc_per_node $N_GPU --model $MODEL_CONFIG_PATH --data $DATA_CONFIG_PATH --cfg $TRAIN_CONFIG_PATH
    - N_GPU: Number of GPU to use
Run a model validation
  • Validate from local weights
python3 --weights $WEIGHT_PATH --data-cfg $DATA_CONFIG_PATH
  • You can pass W&B path to the weights argument.
python3 --weights j-marple/AYolov2/179awdd1 --data-cfg $DATA_CONFIG_PATH
  • TTA (Test Time Augmentation)
python3 --weights $WEIGHT_PATH --data-cfg $DATA_CONFIG_PATH --tta --tta-cfg $TTA_CFG_PATH
  • Validate with pycocotools (Only for COCO val2017 images) Future work: The and should be merged together.
python3 --weights $WEIGHT_PATH --data $VAL_IMAGE_PATH --json-path $JSON_FILE_PATH

Pretrained models

Name W&B URL img_size mAPval
YOLOv5s j-marple/AYolov2/33cxs5tn 640 38.2 57.5 7,235,389
YOLOv5m j-marple/AYolov2/2ktlek75 640 45.0 63.9 21,190,557
YOLOv5l decomposed j-marple/AYolov2/30t7wh1x 640 46.9 65.6 26,855,105
YOLOv5l j-marple/AYolov2/1beuv3fd 640 48.0 66.6 46,563,709
YOLOv5x decomposed j-marple/AYolov2/2pcj9mfh 640 49.2 67.6 51,512,570
YOLOv5x j-marple/AYolov2/1gxaqgk4 640 49.6 68.1 86,749,405

Advanced usages

Export model to TorchScript, ONNX, TensorRT
  • You can export a trained model to TorchScript, ONNX, or TensorRT

  • INT8 quantization is currently not supported (coming soon).

  • Usage

python3 --weights $WEIGHT_PATH --type [torchscript, ts, onnx, tensorrt, trt] --dtype [fp32, fp16, int8]
  • Above command will generate both model and model config file.

    • Example) FP16, Batch size 8, Image size 640x640, TensorRT
      • model_fp16_8_640_640.trt
      • model_fp16_8_640_640_trt.yaml
      batch_size: 8
      conf_t: 0.001  # NMS confidence threshold
      dst: exp/  # Model location
      dtype: fp16  # Data type
      gpu_mem: 6  # GPU memory restriction
      img_height: 640
      img_width: 640
      iou_t: 0.65  # NMS IoU threshold
      keep_top_k: 100  # NMS top k parameter
      model_cfg: res/configs/model/yolov5x.yaml  # Base model config location
      opset: 11  # ONNX opset version
      rect: false  # Rectangular inference mode
      stride_size: 32  # Model stride size
      top_k: 512  # Pre-NMS top k parameter
      type: trt  # Model type
      verbose: 1  # Verbosity level
      weights: ./exp/  # Base model weight file location
  • Once, model has been exported, you can run with the exported model.

    • ONNX inference is currently not supported.
    python3 --weights model_fp16_8_640_640.trt --data-cfg $DATA_CONFIG_PATH
Applying tensor decomposition
  • A trained model can be compressed via tensor decomposition.

  • Decomposed conv is composed of 3 convolutions from 1 large convolution.

    • Example)
      • Original conv: 64x128x3x3
      • Decomposed conv: 64x32x1x1 -> 32x16x3x3 -> 16x128x1x1
  • Usage

    python3 --weights $WEIGHT_PATH --loss-thr $DECOMPOSE_LOSS_THRESHOLD --prune-step $PRUNING_STEP --data-cfg $DATA_CONFIG_PATH
    [  Original] # param: 86,749,405, mAP0.5: 0.678784398716757, Speed(pre-process, inference, NMS): 0.030, 21.180, 4.223
    [Decomposed] # param: 49,508,630, mAP0.5: 0.6707606125947304, Speed(pre-process, inference, NMS): 0.030, 20.274, 4.345
    Decomposition config saved to exp/decompose/val/2021_0000_runs/args.yaml
    Decomposed model saved to exp/decompose/val/2021_0000_runs/
    • Passing prune-step to 0 will skip pruning optimization.

Summary of tensor decomposition process

  1. Pass random tensor x to original conv (ŷ) and decomposed conv ()
  2. Compute E = Error(ŷ, ỹ)
  3. If E < loss-thr, use decomposed conv
  4. Apply pruning ratio with binary search
  5. Jump to 1 until differential of pruning ratio is less than prune-step

:: Note :: Decomposition process uses CPU only.

Knowledge distillation
  • An ad-hoc implementation of the knowledge distillation motivated from the method in "End-to-end semi-supervised object dection with soft teacher".
  • Create pseudo-labels for "unlabeled dataset" using the inference of the "teacher" model.
  • :: Note ::
    • Implemented to use the same dataset for the "training dataset" and the "unlabeled dataset". To use different datasets, the creation of the dataloader instance unlabeled_loader in should be modified.
    • Teacher model weights are fixed during training student model. (In the original paper, teacher model is updated using "exponential moving averaging" the student model.)
  • Usage
    python --model res/configs/model/yolov5s.yaml \
                           --cfg res/configs/cfg/distillation.yam \
                           --data res/configs/data/coco.yaml \
                           --teacher {wandb_runpath_of_pretrained_model}
Representation learning
  • Representations of a model can be automatically discovered from raw data by representation learning.

  • You can apply SimpleRL or SimCLR to find better representations of the model with --rl-type option.

    • SimpleRL is a method to minimize a difference between last two representations of a model with L1 loss.
    • SimCLR is a simple framework for contrastive self-supervised learning of visual representations without requiring specialized architectures.
  • Usage (default: base)

    • SimpleRL
      python --model res/configs/model/yolov5s_repr.yaml \
                           --data res/configs/data/coco_repr.yaml \
                           --cfg res/configs/cfg/train_config_repr.yaml \
                           --rl-type base
    • SimCLR
      python --model res/configs/model/simclr.yaml \
                           --data res/configs/data/coco_repr.yaml \
                           --cfg res/configs/cfg/train_config_simclr.yaml \
                           --rl-type simclr
Auto search for NMS parameters

If want to optimize NMS parameters(IoU threshold and confidence threshold), there are two ways to optimize.

Why there are two ways?

  • There is an issue with YOLOv5 validation.
  • It's ok with training or validating but the validation results are little different.
  1. Optimize parameters with YOLOv5 validation.
  2. Optimize parameters with COCO validation (pycocotools).

1. Optimize parameters with YOLOv5 validation.

python3 --weights ${WEIGHT_PATH | WANDB_PATH} --data-cfg $DATA_CONFIG_PATH

2. Optimize parameters with COCO validation.

python3 --weights ${WEIGHT_PATH | WANDB_PATH} --data-cfg $DATA_CONFIG_PATH --run-json --json-path $JSON_FILE_PATH

The --json-path is optional.

Advanced usage

  • If you have baseline network, give --base-map50 and --base-time arguments which are used for objective function.
  • To avoid the optimized parameters overfits, use --n-skip option to skip some images.
Applying SWA(Stochastic Weight Averaging)

There are three steps to apply SWA (Stochastic Weight Averaging):

  1. Fine-tune pre-trained model
  2. Create SWA model
  3. Test SWA model

1. Fine-tune pre-trained model


$ python --model \
                  --data res/configs/data/coco.yaml \
                  --cfg res/configs/cfg/finetune.yaml \
                  --wlog --wlog_name yolov5l_swa \

2. Create SWA model


$ python --model_dir exp/train/2021_1104_runs/weights \
                             --swa_model_name \
                             --best_num 5


$ python --help
usage: [-h] --model_dir MODEL_DIR
                           [--swa_model_name SWA_MODEL_NAME]
                           [--best_num BEST_NUM]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --model_dir MODEL_DIR
                        directory of trained models to apply SWA (default: )
  --swa_model_name SWA_MODEL_NAME
                        file name of SWA model (default:
  --best_num BEST_NUM   the number of trained models to apply SWA (default: 5)

3. Test SWA model


$ python --weights exp/train/2021_1104_runs/weights/ \
                --model-cfg '' \
                --data-cfg res/configs/data/coco.yaml \
                --conf-t 0.1 --iou-t 0.2


Object Detection

[1] Ultralytics YOLOv5 -

[2] YOLOR implementation -

[3] MobileViT implementation -

[4] Kindle - Making a PyTorch model easier than ever! -

[5] Wang, Chien-Yao, I-Hau Yeh, and Hong-Yuan Mark Liao. "You Only Learn One Representation: Unified Network for Multiple Tasks." arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.04206 (2021).

[6] Mehta, Sachin, and Mohammad Rastegari. "MobileViT: Light-weight, General-purpose, and Mobile-friendly Vision Transformer." arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.02178 (2021).

[7] Ghiasi, Golnaz, et al. "Simple copy-paste is a strong data augmentation method for instance segmentation." Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2021.

Stochastic Weight Averaging

[8] SWA Object Detection implementation -

[9] Izmailov, Pavel, et al. "Averaging weights leads to wider optima and better generalization." arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.05407 (2018).

[10] Zhang, Haoyang, et al. "Swa object detection." arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.12645 (2020).

Knowledge Distillation

[11] Xu, Mengde, et al. "End-to-End Semi-Supervised Object Detection with Soft Teacher." arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.09018 (2021).

[12] He, Kaiming, et al. "Momentum contrast for unsupervised visual representation learning." Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2020.

[13] Chen, Ting, et al. "A simple framework for contrastive learning of visual representations." International conference on machine learning. PMLR, 2020.

[14] Grill, Jean-Bastien, et al. "Bootstrap your own latent: A new approach to self-supervised learning." arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.07733 (2020).

[15] Roh, Byungseok, et al. "Spatially consistent representation learning." Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2021.

Tensor Decomposition and Pruning

[16] PyTorch tensor decompositions -

[17] PyTorch pruning tutorial -

Representation Learning

[18] Bengio, Yoshua et al. "Representation Learning: A Review and New Perspectives." IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 2013.

[19] Chen, Ting et al. "A Simple Framework for Contrastive Learning of Visual Representations." Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning. 2020

Non Maximum Suppression

[20] Batched NMS -

[21] Fast NMS -

[22] Matrix NMS - ultralytics/yolov3#679 (comment)

[23] Merge NMS -

[24] Cluster NMS -

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Jongkuk Lim


Haneol Kim


Hyungseok Shin


Hyunwook Kim


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!