Continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo method for an impurity Anderson model. The segment algorithm in the hybridization expansion is implemented.
- model
- multiorbital single-impurity Anderson model
- density-density interactions (no exchange interaction)
- phyaical quantities
- single-particle Green's function (self-energy)
- dynamical susceptibility
- two-particle (four-point) vertex
- improved estimators for the self-energy and the vertex part
- Boost (header only)
Clone the repository by
$ git clone
Move into an empty directory for build:
$ mkdir
$ cd
Now, build the project using cmake
$ cmake3 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/local ../cthyb
$ make
$ make install
If succedded, an executable hybqmc
is installed to $HOME/local/bin directory.
If one wants to use the Intel compiler, use CC
and CXX
environment variable as follows:
$ CC=icc CXX=icpc cmake3 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/local ../cthyb
One can check if the executable is properly installed by
$ hybqmc --version
hybqmc version 0.2.0
Samples are provided in samples/ directory. How to run:
$ mpirun -np 2 hybqmc params.ini
Results can be plotted using the gnuplot script:
$ gnuplot *plt
This code can be used as an impurity solver of DCore. A minimal input parameters for DCore are
name = JO/cthyb-seg
exec_path{str} = hybqmc
MC.n_msr{int} = 10000
The total number of samples are n_msr*n_bin
, where n_bin=10
in the default setting.
Typical choices for n_msr
- 10000 : No enough accuracy; But, can be used to get rough convergence of the bath function.
- 100000 : Reasonable accuracy.
- 1000000 : High accuracy; For publication.
Other optional parameters can be specified as well:
In order to specify, e.g., rand_seed
parameter in [control]
section, add control.rand_seed{int} = 0