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Hypr / Shots

(2025-Jan29) Opensource Deepseek 🐋

Adwaita-CT-Iosevka-Pro-Thin* Screenshot-2025-01-29_14:04:08

(2025-Jan16) Ghost-Modern 👻

Ghost-Modern-Whitewip   Ghost-Modernwip Screenshot-2025-01-17_14:04:08

(2025-Jan12) Font Awesome 6 Pro Thin 👷

Font Awesome 6 Pro Thin-3beta   Ghostbeta Screenshot-2025-01-16_14:04:08

border-radius: 0.2em = Modern, 0.4em = Round, 2em = Circle | size 24px - 34px tested

(2025-Jan05) Font Awesome 6 Pro 👷

Font Awesome 6 Probeta Screenshot-2025-01-05_13:02:22

(2025-Jan03) Adwaita-Iosevka-CT

style-Iosevka Screenshot-2025-01-03_17:51:58

(2024-Dec31) Weather Script curl

'curl' Kitty-Float-Script

(2024-Dec30) Adwaita-Dark-CT Updated_Version-2

Adwaita-Dark-Clock-Top Updated_Version-2 Screenshot-2024-12-24_15:52:53 Pywal-Rofi-Dock-2 Screenshot-2024-12-26_15:52:53

(2024-Dec24) Adwaita-Dark-CT

Adwaita-Dark-Clock-Top Screenshot-2024-12-24_15:52:53 Adwaita-Dark-Rofi-Dock-2 Screenshot-2024-12-26_15:52:53

(2024-Dec18) Blueberry🫐2

Blueberry-3 Screenshot-2024-12-18_16:27:27

Blueberry-Clock-Top Screenshot-2024-12-18_16:17:59

(2024-Dec08) Catppuccin-Mocha🐈‍⬛ Rofi

Icons-Only-Dock-Catppuccin-Mocha.rasi (updated-12-12)   Centered Workspaces# + Proton Calendar PWA Screenshot-2024-12-12_18:09:11 Screenshot-2024-12-12_18:30:10

(2024-Nov18) Nord🛡️ᛉᛟ Rofi

Version3 (Nov-21-2024)   Icons Only Beta (Nov-23-2024) Screenshot-v3 Screenshot-2024-11-23_13:54:58

(2024-Nov17) Nord🛡️ᛉᛟ SideBar

ColorScheme   Wall Screenshot-2024-11-18_13:20:39


(2024-Nov01) Everforest🌿 Rofi

everforest.rasi   walls Screenshot-2024-11-01_23:56:26

(2024-oct31) Everforest-S🌿 colorscheme


(2024-oct30) Blueberry-S🫐 Optional workspaces#rw

workspaces#rw Screenshot-2024-10-30_15:16:53

(2024-oct29) Blueberry-S🫐 Optional 2nd button style

Optional 2nd button style Screenshot-2024-10-29_19:23:06

(2024-oct28) Blueberry-S🫐 workflow & gtk 47


(2024-oct31) Blueberry🫐 Rofi

quick-simple-blueberry-rofi Use Rofi-Launcher to have multi rofi


Hyprland Screenshot Archive


(2025-Jan16) Ghost-Modernwip Ghost-Modern-White Ghost-Modern

(2025-Jan14) Ghostbeta Screenshot-2025-01-14_12:55:34

(2025-Jan12) Blk&Wht-CT-Iosevka-Pro-Thin-3beta Screenshot-2025-01-12_06:42:42

(2025-Jan12) Adwaita-CT-Iosevka-Pro-Thin Screenshot-2025-01-12_06:48:42

(2025-Jan12) Adwaita-CT-Iosevka-Pro-Duo Screenshot-2025-01-12_06:48:26


(2024-Dec14) Blueberry2 BlueBerry-top3

(2024-Dec06) Catppuccin-Mocha #RW (updated-12-10) catpp2

(2024-Dec06) Gruvbox-Dark #RW (updated-12-10) gruv3

(2024-Dec05) Material-Design-Dark #RW (updated-12-10) mdd

(2024-nov17) NordV-Sidebar Dots nord-shot

(2024-nov10) EverforestV-Sidebar Final-Release Dots Unsaved Image 11


(2024-nov03) EverforestV-Sidebar(updated-11-06) EverforestV-Sidebar-Minwidth2 (2024-nov02) Everforest-S (updates-11-02) Sidebar_EF_02 (2024-oct25) Blueberry-S dots sidebar (updates-10-30) Screenshot-2024-10-26_09:30:052 (2024-oct23) Blueberry dots Screenshot-2024-10-22_18:10:23 Screenshot-2024-10-23_11:08:38 onedark-pixel Screenshot-2024-10-14_06:48:44 everforest Screenshot-2024-10-16_14:28:16 gruv Screenshot-2024-10-16_17:23:34


(2024-oct14) Min-Hyprtidy dots Screenshot-2024-10-14_15:13:50

(2024-oct9) Min-Hyprclean Screenshot-2024-10-09_08:59:42

(2024-sep29) Min-Hyprnome Screenshot-2024-09-28_14:16:32

(2024-sep28) Min-Modern2 Screenshot-2024-09-27_12:39:19 Screenshot-2024-09-28_10:11:39

(2024-sep25) Min-Modern Screenshot-2024-09-25_11:57:23

(2024-sep22) Min-Monstr Screenshot-2024-09-21_10:38:37 Screenshot-2024-09-22_17:16:32

Archived sep2024

[ml4w-min-j5][rubik-font] (2024-sep) dots-released Screenshot-2024-09-13_08:04:12 [gnome-extension-power] Screenshot-2024-09-14_07:49:163 [minimal-plus-function][group-sliders] minimal-plus-function ["hyprland/workspaces#rw" icons rewrite from] Jakoolit dots Screenshot-2024-09-09_11:20:01


(2024-oct1) Trying out HyprPanel Screenshot-2024-10-01_08:57:24

Toggle on/off [i]

bind = $mainMod, H, exec, agsv1 -t bar-0 # Toggle Hyprpanel
bind = $mainMod, C, exec, ~/.config/waybar/ # Toggle WayBar

HyprPanel Blueberry

(2024-oct27) Blueberry HyprPanel theme & Wallpapers Screenshot-2024-10-27_13:17:04

(2024-oct26) HyprPanel & WayBar



(2024-oct27) HyprPanel & WayBar Screenshot-2024-10-27_16:35:55


HyprPanel & Waybar Screenshot Archive


  • This is a demo template. Fix it to work on your system.

  • Arch and ML4W

opacity & blur [i]

To add blur I'm using 'blur wallpaper effect' for better performance. Everything with opacity <1 will have blur including waybar. If using ml4w, right click on wallpaper icon to select wallpaper effect blur* = 1,2.

    active_opacity = 0.9 # 0.96
    inactive_opacity = 0.6
    fullscreen_opacity = 1

example custom.conf [i]

# Don't allow idle on fullscreen windows
# windowrulev2 = idleinhibit fullscreen, class:.*

# Load cliphist history
# exec-once = wl-paste --watch cliphist store --auto-delete 10

# Hyprpanel
# exec-once = agsv1
# bind = $mainMod, H, exec, agsv1 -t bar-0 # Toggle Hyprpanel

# Waybar
bind = $mainMod, W, exec, ~/.config/waybar/ # Relaunch Waybar
bind = $mainMod, C, exec, ~/.config/waybar/ # Toggle waybar

# terminals
bind = $mainMod, S, exec, kitty # Open the terminal
bind = $mainMod, D, exec, alacritty # Open the terminal
bind = $mainMod, A, exec, $(cat ~/.config/ml4w/settings/ --class dotfiles-floating # Open the terminal

# Rofi
# bind = $mainMod, R, exec, zsh "$HOME/.config/rofi/bin/launcher2"
bind = $mainMod, R, exec, pkill rofi || rofi -show drun -replace -i

# screenshot 
bind =, Print, exec, grim -g "$(slurp)" - | wl-copy && wl-paste > ~/Pictures/Screenshots/Screenshot-$(date +%F_%T).png | notify-send "Screenshot of the region taken" -t 1000 # screenshot of a region 
bind = SHIFT, Print, exec, grim - | wl-copy && wl-paste > ~/Pictures/Screenshots/Screenshot-$(date +%F_%T).png | notify-send "Screenshot of whole screen taken" -t 1000 # screenshot of the whole screen

# kill hard
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, X, exec, notify-send -u critical -t 3000 "Kill" "Click any window kill it" & hyprctl kill

# org.gnome.Weather App floating
windowrulev2 = float,class:^(org.gnome.Weather)$
windowrulev2 = size 1100 900,class:^(org.gnome.Weather)$

# Proton-Calendar-PWA
windowrulev2 = float,class:^(brave-ojibjkjikcpjonjjngfkegflhmffeemk-Default)$
windowrulev2 = size 1100 800,class:^(brave-ojibjkjikcpjonjjngfkegflhmffeemk-Default)$

# keepassxc App floating
windowrulev2 = float,class:^(org.keepassxc.KeePassXC)$
windowrulev2 = size 1300 1100,class:^(org.keepassxc.KeePassXC)$

# Dimaround
windowrulev2 = dimaround, class:^(dotfiles-floating)
windowrulev2 = dimaround, class:^(Timeshift-gtk)

# Dim Background of Rofi
layerrule = dimaround, rofi

# This launches rofi on startup using rofi launcher.
# exec-once = ~/.config/rofi/bin/launcher2


Full WayBar Scroll

Left -center scrolls workspaces. Right center- scrolls volume

  • Tips! Customize scroll in modules.json/config - 'persistent-workspaces' - 'pulseaudio' 'format:'
example [i]

High Function

Faster access to workspaces & volume - example.conf

[gnome-extension-power] Screenshot-2024-09-14_07:49:163

[minimal-plus-function][group-sliders] minimal-plus-function

["hyprland/workspaces#rw" icons rewrite from] Jakoolit dots Screenshot-2024-09-09_11:20:01