A tech demo of a realtime multi-threaded IsoSurface editor using voxel brushes and multiple materials.
Modify an iso-surface in realtime using voxel brushes and multiple materials.
- WASD : Forward, Left, Back, Right
- QZ : Up, Down
- LMB : Add voxels
- RMB : Remove Voxels
- Tab : Enable/Disable Mouse
The demo contains a pager for continuous and endless terrain, basic biomes, three materials and two voxel brushes.
Download Link: https://mega.nz/#!KMIEgC7a!7fP5mNrZSi2KhLEcJXa918rN5XqyJ2H2lsImXvvXAAE
- Windows: double-click the start.bat file
- *nix: Run the start.sh file.
Both do the same thing. They just execute java -jar jme-iso-terrain-1.0.jar.