Welcome to BestGamesEver! 😃
This React.js front-end application utilizes an Express.js back-end with SQL to retrieve and display information about a curated selection of some of the best games ever made. The application makes API calls to the back-end to fetch the necessary data and presents it in an intuitive user interface built with React.js. The goal is to provide users with access to detailed information about these games, allowing them to explore and discover new gaming experiences.
Dev Team |
Joseph R. |
Arius P. |
- Sharpen and Showcase our skills as Web Developers
- Write clean and readable code using react, express, js, jsx, html, and bootstrap
- Connect and Render Front-End and Back-end projects
- Create a responsive design
To get started, clone the repository and install the dependencies:
git clone https://github.com/jRodriguezIV/BestGamesEver.git
cd BestGamesEver
npm install
# start the front-end and the back-end directories seperately using
npm start
To start the development server, run the following command:
npm start
This will start the app on http://localhost:3000.