Releases: jaamesokhan/jaamesokhan-client
What's Changed
feat: add merge highlights toggle by @MuhammadKhosravi in #138
feat: add poem history by @ErfanMojibi in #139
fix: database migration schema fixed by @MuhammadKhosravi in #140
feat: redesign PoemScreen by @MuhammadKhosravi in #141
feat: add saerch history by @ErfanMojibi in #143
feat: add first verse to poemListItem by @MuhammadKhosravi in #146
feat: add onboarding guide by @ErfanMojibi in #147
feat: add advanced options for random poem by @MuhammadKhosravi in #148
feat: add poet name to end of shared poem by @MuhammadKhosravi in #150
feat: add firebase services for messaging and crashs by @MuhammadKhosravi in #152
feat: add pagination to downloadable poets by @MuhammadKhosravi in #162
feat: add createdAt to highlight and bookmark by @MuhammadKhosravi in #166
feat: add unbookmark button to bookmark list by @ErfanMojibi in #153
fix: move cancel selection button to bottom end by @MuhammadKhosravi in #142
fix: make TextField styles more consistent by @MuhammadKhosravi in #149
fix: add index for primary keys in entities by @MuhammadKhosravi in #151
fix: minor style changes and bug fixes by @MuhammadKhosravi in #154
fix: remove extra padding from verse item by @MuhammadKhosravi in #156
fix: try to fix poet not being added after downloading by @MuhammadKhosravi in #157
chore: upgrade libraries and Kotlin version by @MuhammadKhosravi in #155
Full Changelog: v1.1...v1.2
What's Changed
- fix: app no longer crashes when no poet is available by @MuhammadKhosravi in #109
- fix: verse numbers are adjusted by @MuhammadKhosravi in #110
- fix: using os back button in DownloadedPoetsScreen now functions correctly by @MuhammadKhosravi in #111
- fix: word meaning text is now scrollable by @MuhammadKhosravi in #113
- fix: delete comment sometimes does not work by @MuhammadKhosravi in #115
- feat: add color to search query in search results by @MuhammadKhosravi in #119
- feat: redesign search page by @MuhammadKhosravi in #120
- fix: redesign favorites screen by @MuhammadKhosravi in #123
- Fix: redesign settings screen by @MuhammadKhosravi in #124
- fix: redesign animations and font sizes by @MuhammadKhosravi in #125
- feat: add CommentsList to FavoritesScreen by @MuhammadKhosravi in #126
- fix: add animations and preserve state by @MuhammadKhosravi in #128
- fix: back button no longer resets states in search screen by @MuhammadKhosravi in #130
- fix: change verse number toggle by @MuhammadKhosravi in #131
- fix: minor bug fixes and improvements by @MuhammadKhosravi in #132
Full Changelog: v1.0...v1.1
What's Changed
Feature: add random poem button by @MuhammadKhosravi in #69
Feature: show recited verse by @MuhammadKhosravi in #72
Feature: add music control panel by @MuhammadKhosravi in #76
Feature: add delete poet feature by @MuhammadKhosravi in #78
Feature: selection for verses by @MuhammadKhosravi in #80
Feature: add theme toggle to settings by @MuhammadKhosravi in #83
Feature: add about us screen by @MuhammadKhosravi in #95
Feature: add content to readme and increase version number by @MuhammadKhosravi in #104
Fix: huge improvements in highlight by @MuhammadKhosravi in #71
Fix: add delay for loop + code refactor by @MuhammadKhosravi in #77
Fix: change ux of verse selection by @MuhammadKhosravi in #81
Fix: fix navbar multiple clicks change view by @MuhammadKhosravi in #82
Fix: small improvements in highlight, icons, ux, ui by @MuhammadKhosravi in #90
Fix: change response of empty from server when getting word meaning by @MuhammadKhosravi in #91
Fix: change package name by @MuhammadKhosravi in #92
Fix: add copyright to AboutUsScreen by @MuhammadKhosravi in #105
Fix: fix readme link by @MuhammadKhosravi in #106
Full Changelog: v0.1...v1.0
This version is still in test phase
- Pick your Poets: Download poets you are interested in.
- Play recitations: You can play recitations for poems
- Comments: You can add comments for poems
- Highligh: You can highlight a verse or a part of a verse.
- Bookmark: You can bookmark a poem.
- Word meaning: By holding onto a word, the meaning of the word will be shown.
- Font customization: You can customize fonts in order to match your.