Warning: WIP and for now mainly experiment
This is command line (terminal) tool for managing functional (atomic) CSS clases.
You can “connect” the script with CSS/SASS file by node jaaCSS.js -I file_path
(on unix-like systems works without 'node ').
It opens interactive promt with typical usage:
? marginR
+ marginR__2
? fontS__1
- fontS__1
+ fontS__1d5
…in you web page, you wanted some right margin – so, you ask for already used margins, yet you decide to use new one. Analogously for font size.
More info for now only in source code ./src.
Modified files should look like:
EXPERIMENT – Helper for managing functional CSS classes
Usage: jaaCSS --[cmd] [param]
…cmd: help, init, html, interactive, eval
…param: Based on cmd
Shows this text
--init css_like_file
Creates inital file structure with `jaaCSS` section
The section is separated by comments `/* jaaCSS:start/end */`
This command/step can be ommited,
the `-I` will do it itself, if the section doesn’t exists.
--html html_like_file
[WIP] Show classes from HTML
--interactive|-I css_like_file
Interactive shell for manipulating with `jaaCSS` section.
With prefixes +/- you can add/remove styles from file (e.g. `+ fontS__1`).
With prefix '?' you can filter existing rules.
Using 'q' quits shell and program.
Without prefixes it works as `--eval`.
--eval value_c
Just console log conversion
CSS (like) file
HTML (like) file
The value part for evaluing in the form:
- `property: value;` …or
- `property__value`
node jaaCSS.js "-I" "example.css"
EXPERIMENT – Helper for managing functional CSS classes
Usage: jaaCSS --[cmd] [param]
…cmd: help, init, html, interactive, eval
…param: Based on cmd
Interactive shell
q: Quit interactive shell
: Just echo full rule (e.g. `fontS__1`)
?: Searching registered rules (e.g. `? fontS`)
+: Add rule to the file (e.g. `+ fontS__1`)
-: Remove rule to the file (e.g. `- fontS__1`)
!: Add rule by full recepy (e.g. `! color__urgent { color: red; }`
=: [WIP] Compare classes in CSS like file and HTML like one (`>` only in CSS | `<` only in HTML)
@: Converting class names (for example from HTML) to the CSS rules/SASS includes.
just write anything to converse or start line with: q/ /?/+/-/!/=/@