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Playwright integration for Scrapy

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This project provides a Scrapy Download Handler which performs requests using Playwright for Python. It can be used to handle pages that require JavaScript. This package does not interfere with regular Scrapy workflows such as request scheduling or item processing.


After the release of version 2.0, which includes partial coroutine syntax support and experimental asyncio support, Scrapy allows to integrate asyncio-based projects such as Playwright.


  • Python 3.7+
  • Scrapy 2.0+
  • Playwright 0.7.0+


$ pip install scrapy-playwright


Replace the default http and https Download Handlers through DOWNLOAD_HANDLERS:

    "http": "scrapy_playwright.handler.ScrapyPlaywrightDownloadHandler",
    "https": "scrapy_playwright.handler.ScrapyPlaywrightDownloadHandler",

Note that the ScrapyPlaywrightDownloadHandler class inherits from the default http/https handler, and it will only use Playwright for requests that are explicitly marked (see the "Basic usage" section for details).

Also, be sure to install the asyncio-based Twisted reactor:

TWISTED_REACTOR = "twisted.internet.asyncioreactor.AsyncioSelectorReactor"

scrapy-playwright accepts the following settings:

  • PLAYWRIGHT_BROWSER_TYPE (type str, default chromium) The browser type to be launched. Valid values are (chromium, firefox, webkit).

  • PLAYWRIGHT_LAUNCH_OPTIONS (type dict, default {})

    A dictionary with options to be passed when launching the Browser. See the docs for BrowserType.launch.

  • PLAYWRIGHT_CONTEXT_ARGS (type dict, default {})

    A dictionary with keyword arguments to be passed when creating the default Browser context. See the docs for Browser.new_context.

  • PLAYWRIGHT_DEFAULT_NAVIGATION_TIMEOUT (type Optional[int], default None)

    The timeout used when requesting pages by Playwright. If None or unset, the default value will be used (30000 ms at the time of writing this). See the docs for BrowserContext.set_default_navigation_timeout.

Basic usage

Set the playwright Request.meta key to download a request using Playwright:

import scrapy

class AwesomeSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "awesome"

    def start_requests(self):
        # GET request
        yield scrapy.Request("", meta={"playwright": True})
        # POST request
        yield scrapy.FormRequest(
            formdata={"foo": "bar"},
            meta={"playwright": True},

    def parse(self, response):
        # 'response' contains the page as seen by the browser
        yield {"url": response.url}

Page coroutines

A sorted iterable (list, tuple or dict, for instance) could be passed in the playwright_page_coroutines Request.meta key to request coroutines to be awaited on the Page before returning the final Response to the callback.

This is useful when you need to perform certain actions on a page, like scrolling down or clicking links, and you want everything to count as a single Scrapy Response, containing the final result.

Supported actions

  • str, *args, **kwargs):

    Represents a coroutine to be awaited on a object, such as "click", "screenshot", "evaluate", etc. method should be the name of the coroutine, *args and **kwargs are passed to the function call.

    The coroutine result will be stored in the PageCoroutine.result attribute

    For instance,

    PageCoroutine("screenshot", path="quotes.png", fullPage=True)

    produces the same effect as:

    # 'page' is a playwright.async_api.Page object
    await page.screenshot(path="quotes.png", fullPage=True)

Receiving the Page object in the callback

Specifying a non-False value for the playwright_include_page meta key for a request will result in the corresponding playwright.async_api.Page object being available in the playwright_page meta key in the request callback. In order to be able to await coroutines on the provided Page object, the callback needs to be defined as a coroutine function (async def).

import scrapy
import playwright

class AwesomeSpiderWithPage(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "page"

    def start_requests(self):
        yield scrapy.Request(
            meta={"playwright": True, "playwright_include_page": True},

    async def parse(self, response):
        page = response.meta["playwright_page"]
        title = await page.title()  # "Example Domain"
        yield {"title": title}
        await page.close()


  • In order to avoid memory issues, it is recommended to manually close the page by awaiting the Page.close coroutine.
  • Any network operations resulting from awaiting a coroutine on a Page object (goto, goBack, etc) will be executed directly by Playwright, bypassing the Scrapy request workflow (Scheduler, Middlewares, etc).


Click on a link, save the resulting page as PDF

class ClickAndSavePdfSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "pdf"

    def start_requests(self):
        yield scrapy.Request(
                    "click": PageCoroutine("click", selector="a"),
                    "pdf": PageCoroutine("pdf", path="/tmp/file.pdf"),

    def parse(self, response):
        pdf_bytes = response.meta["playwright_page_coroutines"]["pdf"].result
        with open("iana.pdf", "wb") as fp:
        yield {"url": response.url}  # response.url is ""

Scroll down on an infinite scroll page, take a screenshot of the full page

class ScrollSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "scroll"

    def start_requests(self):
        yield scrapy.Request(
                    PageCoroutine("wait_for_selector", "div.quote"),
                    PageCoroutine("evaluate", "window.scrollBy(0, document.body.scrollHeight)"),
                    PageCoroutine("wait_for_selector", "div.quote:nth-child(11)"),  # 10 per page

    async def parse(self, response):
        page = response.meta["playwright_page"]
        await page.screenshot(path="quotes.png", fullPage=True)
        yield {"quote_count": len(response.css("div.quote"))}  # quotes from several pages
        await page.close()

For more examples, please see the scripts in the examples directory.


🎭 Playwright integration for Scrapy







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