Scripts I've found useful when developing in UE4
BuildGraph scripts used for testing and building a UE4 project. If you are a familiar with BuildGraph then these should be pretty straightforward to use. If you are not, I would recommend taking a geeze (look) through the documentation or read the article I have written here.
Example Usage to Package for Win64
RunUAT.bat BuildGraph -script="<ScriptPath>\BuildProject.xml" -target="Package Game Win64" -set:ProjectName=<ProjectName>-Set:ProjectDir="<FolderContainingUProjectFile>" -Set:BuildConfig=Development -Set:OutputDir="<MyBuildDir>"
Additionally you can use the ProjectVariables.xml to set some defaults instead of having to explicitly pass them.
Gauntlet commands or scripts that can be useful during development
Jenkins library used to make invoking UE4 compilation and packaging easier e.g.
UE4.CompileProject(params.BuildConfig as unreal.BuildConfiguration)
See readme in sub folder for more info.
Misc scripts I've written to help various workflows
Perforce scripts to help with some more obtuse perforce issues like reapplying a typemap to existing files or setting local perforce variables.