Welcome! This library contains a collection of utility and convenience classes that make various things easier to do on Android. This project is being implemented with one of my apps, but I decided to make it public as it would be useful to others.
To use this library with your Android apps, you have to reference this project as a library (from Eclipse) or add it as a module (from IntelliJ). It cannot be compiled as a JAR because this library contains resources such as layouts that are needed.
A class that you can extend to create customizable list adapters without extending BaseAdapter
. This class makes it
much easier and more consistent to create list adapters, and it handles things like recycling views on its own.
A small, more compact version of the stock DatePicker
. Made up of 3 horizontally-orientated spinners that represent the month,
day, and year.
Connects to a SilkAdapter
and notifies it of scroll state changes using SilkAdapter.setScrollState()
Whenever you stop scrolling/flinging the list and the scroll state becomes idle, the list invokes notifyDataSetChanged()
to cause a redraw of currently visible list items.
You can use SilkAdapter.getScrollState()
to get the current scroll state from within the adapter. This is useful for
only loading images when the list is not being scrolled.
A TextView
that automatically sets its typeface to Roboto Light. It loads
from the assets folder so it will work on any version of Android.
NOTE: You MUST copy the assets
folder from this library to your application. The assets folder does not get compiled
in your app when it's only in the library.
Same as the SilkTextView
but uses Roboto Condensed instead of light.
NOTE: You MUST copy the assets
folder from this library to your application. The assets folder does not get compiled
in your app when it's only in the library
Same as the SilkTextView
but it's an EditText
NOTE: You MUST copy the assets
folder from this library to your application. The assets folder does not get compiled
in your app when it's only in the library
Makes interacting with a DrawerLayout
in your Activity's layout easier, handles mostly everything related to it on
its own.
This class is used by the SilkCachedFeedFragment
to cache items in the fragment's adapter, it allows you to easily manage your own
cache files using a class similar to the stock SharedPreferences
class. You can write/read any class that implements SilkComparable<T>
to/from a cache file (but remember to mark any fields of non-serializable types as transient
, so they're ignored during serialization).
Provides convenience methods for converting Calendar/milliseconds into human readable strings. This is useful for almost any
app that needs to display a time to the user, but is especially useful for Twitter clients (see TimeUtils.toStringShort()
The base Fragment
class extended by other library fragments. Contains various convenience methods that make setting up
fragments easier and more consistent, it also allows you to keep track of when the Fragment
is actually visible to a user,
even when it's in a ViewPager
(and onResume() is called when the Fragment is outside of the user's view).
A SilkFragment
that contains a list, empty text, and progress view, allowing you to easily show progress while the list is loading.
Also makes attaching to a SilkAdapter
very quick and easy and has callbacks for single/long taps of list items.
A SilkListFragment
that pulls a feed from the network and automatically inserts the results into its own list. This makes
the networking part much easier as you don't have to handle the threading yourself, and it has callbacks for errors. All
that you have to do is override refresh()
on onError()
A SilkFeedFragment
that automatically caches its contents locally, and loads it again later without pulling from the network.
A SilkCachedFeedFragment
that displays a frame on the top indicating the last time the fragment pulled from the network,
and allowing the user to invoke a refresh.
A SilkFragment
that contains a ViewPager
and makes interaction with it easy.