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Hi there 👋

Typing SVG

A quick summary

Top Programming Languages

  • ⌨️ I mainly program in Python, Dart, Java, Javascript, Arduino, Visual Basic, C# and C++
  • 🔭 I’m currently working on a flashcard app
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning C++ for University, as well as Flutter and Dart on the side
  • 📫 How to reach me: You can't
  • ⚡ Fun fact: The moon has moonquakes

Some of my recent projects

Project Description
Readme Card A beautifully designed flashcard app made to improve similar apps like Anki or Quizlet
Readme Card A 3D engine that runs in the terminal
Readme Card An innovative language learning app

Some of my favourite tools and technologies


Programming Languages

Python Java JavaScript HTML5 C++ CSS3 Markdown C#


Vim Replit Visual Studio Code Visual Studio Jupyter Notebook IntelliJ IDEA Android Studio Eclipse Blender Figma Gimp Gnu Image Manipulation Program


TensorFlow NumPy Keras Matplotlib MySQL MongoDB Chart.js Flask Google Cloud AWS Azure


Android Kali Linux Chrome OS Manjaro Raspberry Pi

Some fun stats


Anurag's GitHub stats GitHub Streak

Pinned Loading

  1. LinguaLearn LinguaLearn Public

    A language learning chat app

    HTML 2

  2. Chirpr-Social-Network Chirpr-Social-Network Public

    Chirpr is an Open Source Privacy Focused Social Media App

    HTML 1 1

  3. Shelly-Terminal-Shell Shelly-Terminal-Shell Public

    (Shelly is a placeholder name till I think of something better!)

    Python 1 1

  4. Online-Linux-Code-Editor Online-Linux-Code-Editor Public

    This is a flask-based python code editor for the programming of linux/windows/mac computers remotely from the web browser of another device

    HTML 1 1

  5. Thing-RPI-IOT-Prototyping-Board Thing-RPI-IOT-Prototyping-Board Public

    'Thing' is a Raspberry Pi Zero pcb-board. It consists of an OLED, and 5 buttons.


  6. Dolphin-Flashcard-App Dolphin-Flashcard-App Public

    JavaScript 5 19